Big Show vs. Sheamus

Chairs Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

32 Oracles have spoken

Big Show
Big Show
(10 predictions - 31.25%)
(22 predictions - 68.75%)
Result:Big Show wins

Prophecy:There's no way Sheamus is leaving with the belt, but it's not clear where this is going yet. It almost seems like they're planning a champion vs champion unification match between Cena and Rock at Mania. I could see it playing out with Sheamus getting the win here and getting annihilated by Show after the match. Then Ziggler cashes in his MITB, adding the World title to his feud with Cena. Meanwhile, Rocky will take the title from Punk. Then the rematch can happen where Cena beats Rocky to claim both titles at Mania.
Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:I think someone will interfere and cost Sheamus the match. Sheamus will probably beat both the Big Show and the person who cost him his match, until Big Show is beaten to a bloody mess, and then Dolph Ziggler will come in and cash in and become the new WHC.
Prophecy:Tough to pick a clear winner but I feel Sheamus i'll regain the title here only to lose again to Ziggler who cashes in his MITB contract after Show decimate him with various chair shots.
Prophecy:This one could go either way. I am going to go with Sheamus regaining the title. I have been predicting Ziggler cashing in for months and it hasn't happened so why stop now? Ziggy will be champ by the end of the night
Prophecy:change my pick from big show to sheamus because of the last smackdown
Prophecy:Sheamus regains the title. Ziggler cashes in after a post-match WMD.
Prophecy:Sheamus finally takes the belt, smiling happily, being red, and later, being cashed in and lost the belt.
Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Ziggler to cash in immediately afterward.
Prophecy:I'd like to see this feud end here.
Prophecy:I might change my pick later un certain for now
Prophecy:Hopefully, I really don't want to see Big show carry the belt till Wrestlemania and a victory for Sheamus would be a huge win in establishing him as the top star of the brand, which could lead nicley into a rivalry with Orton at Wrestlemania. Ofcourse theres also the chance Ziggler will cash in and feud with Cena but i'm also certain that if he was to cash in, it would be Shemaus as champ and not Show.
Prophecy:Big Show hasn't really done much as champ and I can't see Sheamus moving on from Big Show until he wins
Prophecy:Not sure which way this will go, I'm tempted to say Show retains but I think Sheamus has a chance of picking up a win only to be pinned by Ziggler who cashes in his MITB contract. It's tough to take Ziggler seriously since he hardly ever wins, but if he gets the win over Cena, anything is possible.
Prediction:Big Show
Prediction:Big Show
Prediction:Big Show