CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar

39 Oracles have spoken

CM Punk
CM Punk
(13 predictions - 33.33%)
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar
(25 predictions - 64.1%)
(1 Predictions - 2.56%)
Result:Brock Lesnar wins

Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:If this feud is supposed to end at SummerSlam, I see Punk coming out on top. Seems premature though. I feel like Brock will take this one and they'll meet again down the road.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:The fact is, Brock Lesnar has only wrestled four matches (2-2 record) in the nearly year and a half he's been back, and his only wins have been against Triple H. He needs to get a win over someone different to remain relevant... or at least as relevant as a part-timer can be.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel will help him win. I think these two will face each other at Wrestlemania.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:think cm punk going to take the win if brock lesner wins don't think it would make senses
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Don't think they can make it believable that Punk can beat Lesnar
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I can't see Brock losing this against Punk.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:The Hulk vs The Wolverine. This is hard to say who's the winner since the fans are really over Punk, and it appears that Punk will have another Summer moment. But, honestly, Brock losing to Punk is unreal, unbelievable; it is like a rock losing to an egg.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:This feud will go on for a bit that's why im choosing the heel to pick up the win here
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This is a tough call. I don't see this feud having the wheels to go the distance long term. I believe it's a one-and-done affair with Punk coming out on top.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Should be a good match.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Punk has the mental advantage going into SummerSlam, so, using WWE logic, he probably and more than likely loses at SummerSlam.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I feel the feud is more between CM Punk and Paul Heyman, therefore I think Brock can win and the feud can still continue with Punk and Curtis Axel
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Tough call, I reckon there will be a rematch further down the line.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:With a well intentioned distraction by Heyman, Punk takes advantage of it and hits Lesnar with a chair or something and then a GTS.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I love to see Punk win but from a business perspective the right thing would be to allow Brock to pick up the win in order for him to be a legitimate threat for his opponent going into next year's big event. So I pick the beast to win.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Lesnar isn't due to come back until Wrestlemania season. Punk gets the win here and goes on to feud with Orton and/or Daniel Bryan.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Going for Brock here but anything could happen. This feud is fresh and both of them need a win. This won't be their last match, I reckon.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This is another MEGA EPIC match that should have every WWE fan excited. The two Heyman guys clashing? Dude. Punk has been incredible here lately and Lesnar always finds a way to deliver the goods. Add in Paul Heyman and you've got the makings of a great match and some great storytelling. Like many have said, it all depends on if the feud continues. I don't see that happening past Summerslam. Punk NEEDS the win here badly. A win over Brock Lesnar immediately presents him as one of THE guys (even though I would put him in that category already). Time will tell, but I see Punk going over after some botched Heyman interference.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:This is by no means a lock as Punk hasn't won any of his major matches this year, but I don't think the feud ends here which points to a Lesnar win.
Prediction:CM Punk