King Barrett vs. R-Truth

Kickoff Match

41 Oracles have spoken

King Barrett
King Barrett
(32 predictions - 78.05%)
(9 predictions - 21.95%)
Result:R-Truth wins

Prophecy:R-Truth is comic relief now. I can see him eking out a win and stealing the crown and robe. He'll wear them in the weeks to come, thinking he's the new king.
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:I think he needs to win... right? What was his last win?
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:What has winning King of the Ring done for Barrett? He has already lost to Truth before, but maybe WWE will start pushing Barrett again and give him a win here so he can stop being a jobber.
Prediction:King Barrett
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:Barrett is a 5 time IC champion but it's just seems like he never ever wins. He's gotta win sooner or later now right? He's actually talented and fairly over with the fans.
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:Right away I feel the KOTR needs to win to stay legit, but Tocc makes a good point about the crown and robe. I could totally see Truth wearing it around, calling himself King Truth. I don't understand why WWE thinks thievery makes good storylines lately with championship belts and now possibly crowns... I'm sticking with Barrett
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:Barrett needs wins and R-Truth is the man to go to.
Prophecy:Truth for the lols. Barrett seems to going nowhere.
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:I not sure whats happening with either of these guys ... at least King Barrett has the King thing going for him I guess??
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:Just a filler match that I feel like I've seen a hundred times. Going to go with Barrett because Truth is basically a jobber at this point and if Barrett loses to him his whole reign as King would really be pointless.
Prophecy:He on the pre show faces most of the time wins
Prediction:King Barrett
Prophecy:Please, for fuck's sake.
Prophecy:I love the way WWE have been using him as of late.
Prediction:King Barrett
Prediction:King Barrett
Prediction:King Barrett
Prediction:King Barrett