Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly

WWE Championship

85 Oracles have spoken

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar
(61 predictions - 71.76%)
Hardcore Holly
Hardcore Holly
(24 predictions - 28.24%)
Result:Brock Lesnar wins

Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Do you really think Hardcore Holly is gonna win? He is tough, but not ready for a wwe championship! AND HE NEVER WILL BE READY FOR ONE!
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Ever since he stuck his redneck boot in Matt's eye on Tough Enough, I have had no respect for Hardcore Holly. But on top of that, he's just not a main event contender and therefore can't win the title. Nobody goes to an arena to see Hardcore Holly wrestle. Furthermore, there's a good chance that either Kurt, Cena, or Benoit will win the rumble and get a title shot. That pretty much means that a heel (Brock) will be holding the belt at WrestleMania. The only way Holly can pull off a win here would be via DQ, but I suspect this feud will come to an end soon, and a DQ victory would only prolong things.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:They're not gonna let Hardcore have the title. But at least he's getting some air time.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Hardcore Holly is ready for a title, as in he paid his dues. He's been around for years. But the fact is, nobody really likes his character... wait does he have one? I can't see a man with that little fan base holding the title. What would be the point, people would get bored. If the WWE puts it on him, they are making a mistake. I'm still looking for Goldberg Vs. Brock at WM, even with all the rumors surrounding Goldberg's status with WWE. So Brock will either lose it and get it back, or keep it...but I doubt it will be to Hardcore Holly of all people.
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:Remember HHH vs. Steiner(2003)? Steiner won via DQ. So will Hardcore Holly. Lesnar used to be good w/Heyman but now he totally sucks cos he's a f!@#ing piece of trash.
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:I think he will win by DQ.
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:I change my tip here only because I think the build up to this match suggests Holly will try a couple of things that may result in a DQ. Not that I think he'll win, but he should come close and may even end up injuring Lesnar and putting him out of action for a while. This "break your neck" gimmick will hopefully come to fruition, even if Holly doesnt end up with the title.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:No jobber like holly gonna take title and also setting up big match at wm involving lesnar
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I think Hardcore will kick Lesnar's a$$. I think Holly might break Lesnar's neck. I think that Hardcore, even though I am his fan, I have to say that he will not win. Brock Lesnar is an animal. He is a power freak. Ready to take down anyone man or woman. Holly has a good shot going into this since he is a several year veteran in the WWE. On Smackdown! the week after they went to Baghdad, Big Show had a match with Holly and made Holly feel his neck injury a lot even though Holly lost by DQ and beat Show up. He just caame off a neck injury and he might not be ready to take the title. It's only his first title shot. He'll have many more. Anyway I'm rooting for Hardcore Holly! Brock will do something to cheap like a steal chair shot or a low blow and he will pick up the win.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:holly has just come back theres no way theyll give it to him
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Brock will win. They want him to WrestleMania. This match won't be as exciting as the WWE would want it to be.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I want HH to win but brock will win this and then lose it to taker at wrestlemania
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:Brock retaining via DQ.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:So what Hardcore Holly is looking for revenge. Sure he might injure Brock, but Paul Heyman has a scheme and interference will come in this match. Hardcore is not as liked of a character as John Cena or Benoit. If they were in this match maybe I will vote for them.
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:You guys are stupid i mean look at Hardcore Holly and remember when he beat the crap out of Brock at Survivor Series Hardcore has been working out getting in better shape then Brock has ever been in so i go with Hardcore Holly.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Obvious. I hope.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:uuuh brock is the champ, and from all the sudden hard core holly comes walking in fighting for championship....uuhm no...
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:Break his neck right in half he's a real @$$h0lE
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:teach brock a lesson
Prediction:Hardcore Holly
Prophecy:Both Lesnar and Holly are crazy wrestlers, but Holly's been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and I think he'll prevail. Don't you see Lesnar's face when Holly is anywhere near him? He's scared.