Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble

Cruiserweight Championship

68 Oracles have spoken

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio
(58 predictions - 85.29%)
Jamie Noble
Jamie Noble
(9 predictions - 13.24%)
(1 Predictions - 1.47%)
Result:Rey Mysterio wins

Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:This match replaces the Mysterio - Tajiri match. It's tough to predict what will happen in the cruiserweight division. Right now it's all about Nidia. Tajiri made Nidia blind, Noble is messing with her trust, and Rey is her secret knight in shining armor. Nidia will certainly come into play in this match, but when it's all over, Rey will walk out with the gold.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey will win cuz Noble's use of Nidia is going to blow up in his face.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:This match works way better than the old Mysterio-Tajiri set up because they are working an angle around Nidia. In theory Mysterio should hold the belt and I think Noble's cheat-via Nidia tactics are about to end. Also, mysterio is way more of an exciting title holder than Noble...who hasnt had the belt in ages.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:619 all over
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey has been champ for 4 weeks. He will win.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Set up Rey vs Chavo
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I think Mysterio will hold the title past WMXX
Prediction:Jamie Noble
Prophecy:noble will win and nidia will hook up with rey some how
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Nidia Will Help Rey Mysterio win then reveal she isn't blind no more to a shocked Jamie Knoble rey then leaves with Nidia and that could lead to nidia rey and kidman reforming the new filthy animal's also rey v ultimo dragon at wrestlemania
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:REY is still celebrating for getting his title
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Jamie has no chance when it comes to facing Rey. Plus, the story line would kinda screw up what with Nidia and all. Time to dial it up!
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Once again. Who Cares?
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:rey can't lose
Prediction:Jamie Noble
Prophecy: Jamie Noble will use Nidia and put her in the way and he will win. Rey, I think will lose this time around.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey holds the belt and feuds with chavo
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:He's gonna 619 his @$$
Prediction:Jamie Noble
Prophecy:Nidia will "SUDDENLY" get her vision back, backstage. Torrie will tell her whats been going on. Then she will try to hit Jamie with something, but hit Rey and then Jamie will pin Rey for the belt.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Mysterio is aware of Noble and his tricks and he'll retain his Championship at the Royal Rumble
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:No real comments here.