Flair & Batista vs. Benoit & Regal

Common Enemies

116 Oracles have spoken

Ric Flair
Flair & Batista
(48 predictions - 41.38%)
Chris Benoit
William Regal
Benoit & Regal
(68 predictions - 58.62%)
Result:Benoit & Regal win

Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:This one could easily go either way. For now I'll go with the heels. Poor Benoit. He's been buried in midcard hell so quickly. Look for Regal to take the fall.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:Someone here will tap.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Ok, since Tocc has one and Rob has one, I guess I'll break the tie. I'm going with Flair and Batista. It sucks Benoit is being forced to be put in PPV openers, even though he's been main eventing the past few PPV's. I think this is dumb. Why didn't they just make it Flair vs. Regal and Benoit vs. Batista. After all, Benoit actually has one submission victory or Batista, and Batista has one win over Benoit also, I'd like to see these two fight singles to try and break the tie.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:i don't know
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Well, if Orton retains the world title, then I don't see Evolution jobbing in both PPV matches. Plus, Batista has improved a lot lately and I look for him to become even more impressive.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Some members of Evoultion has to win.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:They have to make Benoit win after losing his title.They better make Benoit up to the upper card level again and soon make benoit the intercontinental champion.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:soom heels have to win a few matches
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:Evoultion is garage Benoit and Regal will win
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:Even though i personally feel the advantage is on evolutions side, I'm going to back up one of my three favorite wrestlers (Benoit) to win it. A lot of people don't know it, but randy never REALLY beat benoit. They both just told everyone it was a title match when it really wasn't. Benoit really is the champ. He's just letting orton hold on to the belt for awhile.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Mainly going for Evolution because i think HHH might lose his match and how dumb would Evolution look if they lose 2/2 ? maybe they should recruit Edge and Christian if they both lost their matches and make it more of a tougher faction , or maybe rectuit Shelton Benjamin? i think Shelton will beat Edge for the IC Title tho.. anyways why am i talking about Benjamin ? hes not even in this match haha , i do wonder tho .. will Edge be at the ppv ? he is the IC champ right ? what match is he in? maybe he will interfere in this one ? haha no wait he will interfere in the Christian/Jericho one! thats MY prediction! i said it FIRST!
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:I think Regal'll blow it for Benoit.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:Please do not waste Benoit's time with this match. This is absolutely pathetic how Benoit has dropped off. Why did they make this a tag match? Just make it Benoit vs Batista and Flair vs. Regal. What a waste of Benoit's time.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:I have to give my nod to Evolution here. Flair and Batista were once tag team champs and I rarely tip teams that are simply thrown together. Also I doubt all members of Evolution will lose, with Orton retaining his title. This may also create a new opening for the tag team scene on RAW, Tajiri and Rhyno will need another rival.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:with benoit on regal side they will win
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Eugene's going to ruin it for Benoit and Regal.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:This match should be on Raw instead of a pay per view. Benoit and Regal will probably win thanks to Eugene. Slight chance of a new Evolution member showing up, though.
Prediction:Benoit & Regal
Prophecy:Poor Benoit. He worked so hard when he was champ winning two triple threat matches and an iron man match now he is degraded to having to team with William Regal.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:The monkey's known as the writers are not gonna push Benoit and Regal. I saw Benoit on Heat. Please don't make this guy stuck jobbing to Val Venis, Richards or Cade week after week.
Prediction:Flair & Batista
Prophecy:Batista's an animal.