Booker T vs. Kurt Angle

Don't Touch My Woman, Sucka

96 Oracles have spoken

Booker T
Booker T
(31 predictions - 32.29%)
Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle
(64 predictions - 66.67%)
(1 Predictions - 1.04%)
Result:Booker T wins

Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:This feud will end with Angle going over Booker T, but this is the opening match in the feud so it could go either way. Angle has been getting the goods on Booker way too often to come away with a win here. Expect interference from Booker's wife and a quick roll-up. Then Angle can come away with a quick tap out victory via ankle lock in a later match.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Kurt Angle is one of the best in the business, hands down. I think they are going to build Angle up to be the next title contender, so he can't lose this match.... now can you dig that suckaaaa???!!!!
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:im changing my tip to booker t because he got angle slamed and as sum ppl no that in some matches the first person to do a special move loses and i just think booker t will b seeking revenge and jujment day for kurt angle
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:changed my pic to booker because we havnt seen him in a huge ppv match in a long time, he needs revenge and he definently needs a push so booker t all the way.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Ah, what an easy win for Kurt. He just needs to put on the Ankle Lock on Booker, and then afterwards, on Booker's wife. Hey, Kurt IS the best in the business.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Booker T will probably win now as i changed my pic from him 2 Angle
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:I know Angle is the bigger star and higher on the totem pole, but the way I see it Angle losing to Booker won't hurt Angle but will definitely help Booker T.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:WWE championship matches come very rarely.Thanks to booker T,kurt angle was screwed out of that match(but nobodys complaing)Angle has always been good at his fights,and this will be small fry campared to what angle had to do at WM.Booker T is not much to beat(hell,i could do it).And skill is shown when when your set up in wrestlemania.Kurt Angle,personally,was the 2ed best match that night.I hope booker t suffers a broken ankle,and then his stupid as hell wife suufers the same fate,and learns that you dont mess with these kind of me.And i can dig that,SUCKA
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Kurt angle is a much better wresler than than booker T.Booker T has picked up his intensity since getting married to this stupid chick,but shes just common trash.If she thinks she can talk to people like that,than lets see hr get it the ring
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Because Booker T cost him the chance to face John Cena for his title. It wouldn't matter if Cena faced JBL or Kurt Angle, Cena will still lose his title.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I'll go with Angle because he's been on a roll. But i'm sick and tired of hearing racist remarks towards Booker T and Shelton Benjamin. These guys are good performers in the ring and class acts outside the ring but I keep hearing a lot of racists remarks towards these two. Kick his ass Book!!! Holla at your boy!!!!
Prediction:Booker T
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Quite frankly I think the next WWE Champion will either be Kurt Angle or Eddie Guerrero. So I think Kurt will win and Sharmel will be Kurt Angle's new girlfriend to throw off us WWE fans.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Unfortuanetly, Booker doesn't stand a chance of winning. I'm totally glad WWE is finally giving Booker a chance to shine. And Sharmell Sullivan, where are all the women like her these days? Oh right, either posing on playboy or doing HORRIFICLY bad interview segments. Angle is expected to be pushed big this summer, atleast how I see it, so having him lose to Booker will do no justice. I'm still crossing my fingers in hopes that Booker is given ANOTHER good fued for The GAB in july.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Angle has the push behind him and he can't end the streak now.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:This is the easiest match to predict on the card. Booker T has not won a PPV match since he has been to smackdown (execpt heidenreich but that was on a DQ) so why would you expect him to beat his toughest challenge yet.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I think Angle is in his final years of wrestling...WWE needs to build him up in order to put him back into the world title picture for one more time.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Kurt Angle will continue his slow rise back into the main event scene. Either he or Eddie Guerrero will be the one to take the title off Cena,
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Sometimes the WWE will pull something good out of its ass, and we'll see it in this match.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I don't think this feud will last longer than one match. Sharmell has done wonders for Booker's popularity and hopefully even though he won't win, he will continue to stay in the upper mid-cards. Who knows, maybe Heidenreich will interfere since (as someone pointed out already) he is Booker and Sharmell's friend.....two friends, that's better than one.