Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero

World Heavyweight Championship

109 Oracles have spoken

(82 predictions - 75.23%)
Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero
(26 predictions - 23.85%)
(1 Predictions - 0.92%)
Result:Batista wins

Prophecy:Eddie is awesome, even though I like him much better as a face. Unfortunately I think Orton is going to be the one to dethrone Batista, so I'm afraid Eddie will be jobbing here. I look forward to see what a title match can be like without JBL involved. Batista should be thankful to have a guy like Eddie as his opponent this time.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Where the hell did this Eddie title shot come from after ten loses and one win over Rey, where supose to belive his back. Anyway I belive this feud will continue despite the outcome of this match. So I am going out on the limb and saying Batista snaps and Eddie wins via DQ. And don't forget, Batista's days now as World Champ are coming to an end once Orton's feud with Taker is over.
Prophecy:HAHAHHAA I DNT HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THIS IM JUST TIPPIN BATISTA,AND SHOOTING-STAR-PRESS UR RIGHT IT IS BATISTA'S LAST PPV WITH THE TITLE CAUSE ITS ORTONS AT SURVIVOR SERIES..SUP ORIGINAL DEADMAN....hey undertaker1991 i got sumfin to say u faggot orton deserves the title , dont forget whos the youngest world champion and who smackdown the undertaker at summerslam , i garentee that orton gets the shot at survivor series and walks away for the second time world heavyweight champion
Prophecy:as tocc said its good to c batista in a much better title match here.batista with a clean win but this will be a great match.also all u orton fans who rekon ortons gonna get da title at surviver series ur all messed up,it will be taker vs orton at No mercy with taker winning.however i would like to c a no.1 contender match between rey and orton its the only weay orton can win the title.
Prophecy:Eddie will be lucky if he can walk when this bout is over.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:batista is acting gay. once again. and plus orton doesnt deserve that that title shot. he was r.i.p. by the undertaker on smackdown plus batista has had that tile longer then he should have had it. and i believe eddie guerero deserves a world heavyweight championship. he was a good wwe champion and he'll be a great world heavyweight champion
Prophecy:Eddie is a much better challenger than JBL. These two should be able to carry a good match, but unfortunately for Latino Heat, his title shot came out of thin air. Orton will be the one to take Batista's title, and I think it will happen at Survivor Series. Eddie will be beaten with a thunderous Batista Bomb.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Where do we go from here? Seriously. If Batista wins...then what? He isn't anything special on the mic, ring, or anywhere for that matter. I get that the crowd loves him...why? Christian, Orton, Eddie, and Booker T are all more talented....and deserving of a title run. Especially Christian. So spare us your steroid dance entrance thingy....and give the title to a real Canadian hero. :)
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:I am going to go with the rumours here with Eddie winning by DQ. Since there are major rumours that there will be a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series between Orton & Taker with Orton winning there and Taker coming back as American Bad-Ass. Therefore at Survivor Series there will be a re-match between Eddie & Batista with Batista winning. This match hasn't been built at all and they can't just end this fued right away. I suspect Eddie to hit Batista with a chair with the ref down. Then Batista gets up and Eddie throws the chair to Batista and falls down pretending Batista hit him and the ref DQ's Batista. Then Batista destroys Eddie after the match.
Prophecy:I think Orton is going to be the one to take the World Title from Batista. They planted that seed the night after Wrestlemania when Batista supposedly injured Orton's already bad shoulder. Orton vowed revenge on Batista even then... Guerrero, unfortunately, will lose this match and go on to something else.
Prophecy:What are those writers up to?
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Batista has had it for too long!
Prophecy:You have no idea how much I want Eddie as champion again, but unfortuantly he will not win it here. Orton will win the title next month because Randy Orton is the best wrestler on Smackdown, and even he can carry someone pretty good.
Prophecy:Tocc is definitely right about orton and batista...this is one of those kind of matches where orton needs time until he's ready for batista and he's finishing his feud with taker...and guerrero is almost like a "substitute" for orton...batista should win, but who knows...anything can happen in the wwe...right?
Prophecy:It sucks.
Prophecy:randy ortons da next champ but i wish it were eddie
Prophecy:One match?!? Eddie wins one match against Rey and we are supposed to take him seriously again as a contender for the title? Don't misunderstand me, Eddie is a tremendous competitor, but to create a sense of legitemacy, Eddie should at least build up one more major victory, minimum, before he is "handed" another title shot. I see Batista walking out with the title, but you never know. WWE could easily be building up Orton for Wrestlemania again where he could win the title for the second time, therefore giving him what he didn't receive at WM 21. That being said, he wouldn't win it at Survivor Series. Just my thoughts.....
Prophecy:Randy Orton V.S. Rey Mysterio at WM 22. Boo yah.
Prophecy:oh come on