John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

When Cultures Clash

94 Oracles have spoken

John Bradshaw Layfield
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
(50 predictions - 53.19%)
Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio
(44 predictions - 46.81%)
Result:John "Bradshaw" Layfield wins

Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:This could easily go either way. JBL has been losing most of his big matches lately and Mysterio has been winning most of his. But that doesn't really mean much. I haven't picked many heels so I'll go with JBL.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:JBL Sux Rey Will Win This Plus I Will Neva Eva Vote 4 Jbl!!!!! Booyaka 619!
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:With the recent involement of Jillan and Ken Kennedy I say JBL steals this one.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Well there certainly won't be a Kennedy run in now that I hear he will be facing Hardcore Holly. Considering that Mysterio has had a pretty good run of wins this year, especially on PPV, I can see him going over JBL here to catapault him towards a future title reign of some kind, most probably US title at first. Then at Wrestlemania...Mysterio v Randy Orton for the WWE title?
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:This one is a toss-up, but seeing as though JBL has been losing a lot of pay-per-views lately and Mysterio has been winning the majority of them since the beginning of the year, I think JBL will steal this. Especially now that he has the likes of Jillian and Ken Kennedy on his side. JBL is the safer bet.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I'm surprised at the number of JBL picks. Mysterio is getting ready to embark on a real nice push, in my opinion....possibly leading to a Wrestlemania main event? Hey, you never know. JBL is the stepping stone for Mysterio to get there. I guess I could see how JBL has been losing lately, but that's just not enough to sway my feelings yet.
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:mysterio already won on smackdown and jbl hasn't won a match in awhile, especially on ppv dating back to wrestlemania and i dont count the cheap dq win he got at the bash...if he's gonna be in the main event picture again he needs to get a clean win on ppv.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:JBL aint going nowhere but down. He was won PPV Main events for over a year now and his time has come and gone. Ill go with Mysterio
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Where will pushing JBL go ? Pushing Rey will go somewhere maybe a World Title Shot at Wrestlemania in a triple threat match with Orton and someone else. Anyways this is a complete toss-up.
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:Rey Mysterio ain't no match for JBL because JBL has Jillian Hall on his side.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:i see Rey Rey winning dunno y
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:JBL simply because Vince McMahon and his pushing of big guys.
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:JBL needs to start winning a lot more because like Tocc said he has been losing most of the big matches that he has been in. Plus, this is a really corny feud they are doing between these two.
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:This is the most unpredictable match on the card. I'll go with JBL though. The wrestling god!
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:Wow,this feels weird seeing some thing without John"Bradshaw"Layfield VS (insert name here) for the WWE/Worlds Championship.Guess what/Im A JBL fan and will pick him.Everytime Rey has had A PPV match,excluding The Great American Bash,Jbl would lose.What the hell has Jillian done for him?Make him look like a drunk Jackass!!!I really do not see Kennedy coming in,cause just because he was tag partners,dosnt mean this is a friendship at all. JBL has backup on this,and Rey dosent keep many friends.Simple short-JBL picks up the win
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:JBL sucks, but he'll win against Rey.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:They have been giving Rey a pretty good push lately, so I initially thought he may win this, but I also think they are going to push JBL back into World title contention, so I am going with him.
Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:JBL! JBL!
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Speed some times beats Power