Conway & Tomko vs. Eugene & ???

Choose a Legend to be Eugene's Partner

77 Oracles have spoken

Rob Conway
Tyson Tomko
Conway & Tomko
(6 predictions - 7.79%)
Eugene Dinsmore
Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
(71 predictions - 92.21%)
Result:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka) win

Prediction:Conway & Tomko
Prophecy:Eugene will mess up like he did with the valentine hammer
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Traditional show-opening crowd pleaser. Eugene and his partner will come away with the win here.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:I like Conway, and I know he hasn't lost since his new push, but if he doesn't job here, this feud will be pointless. I hope "Hacksaw" gets the vote, because he can still relatively go (like Animal) and I think he & Eugene would make a fun team.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:for the new legend killer, he is kinda boring, eugune and a legend (i voted for jimmy "superfly" snuka) will win
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:I voted for Superfly. Who gives a rats ass about this match. Superfly hopefully will bury the conman with a splash from the top.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:defanitly eugene will win cas its handicap i think snuka will tag up eugene does rockbottom den da superfly does his flyin move of da top
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Crowd Pleaser , Tomko been chucked in now so he can do the job
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Rob Is Crap! Like He Is Gonna Win A Hanicap Match Please
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:yet another one of these mystery matches
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:I'd love to see Snuka splash on Conway.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:eugene and kamala will beaat rob conway
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:can't see conway getting that big of a push
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:You know what would be funny to see? Eugene or the legend turn on their team.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:The CONway
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Will Eugene finally turn heel? This would be a golden opportunity.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Going with Eugene/Superfly here...well I voted for Superfly anyway. This will be the opener and as usual the faces will win to please the crowd, but please don't let the Eugene/Conway feud continue.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Somehow a no-brainer...unless Eugene turns on the legend or vice versa.
Prediction:Eugene & Legend (Jimmy Superfly Snuka)
Prophecy:Handicap Match with a legend and Eugene taking on Rob Conway... hmmm... no brainer... Conway loses