Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown

Elimination Match

107 Oracles have spoken

Big Show
Shawn Michaels
Chris Masters
Team Raw
(41 predictions - 38.32%)
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
John Bradshaw Layfield
Bobby Lashley
Team Smackdown
(65 predictions - 60.75%)
(1 Predictions - 0.93%)
Result:Team Smackdown wins

Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Smackdown has gotten the best of RAW ever since WWE Homecoming. RAW has to win something. Plus, Smackdown won at Taboo Tuesday and they also won both interpromotional matches at Wrestlemania. That tips the scale in RAW's favor. With World Tag Champs Big Show and Kane, Carlito, Chris Masters, and Team Captain Shawn Michaels, Team RAW is definitely looking good. UPDATE: Now Smackdown has JBL, Orton, Mysterio, Lashley, and Team Captain Batista. However, now they are saying that The Undertaker will return here. I think, (in annual Survivor Series traditions) Taker will screw Orton in the end leading to a Team Raw victory. On a personal note, my deepest sympathy goes out to the Guerrero family. We will never forget you Eddie Guerrero.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:TEAM SMACKDOWN!!!! Dude I totally need to go for this team. I have a feeling that the Raw team will not get along then Smackdown will get the better hand because you know Teddy likes to pick good wrestlers.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Raw Will Get Smackdown Back For Beating Them At Their Own PPV And Imbrassing Them
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:theres nothing wrong with the sd! team is there?
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:See The Tocc
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:I cant bealive the death of eddie guerrero sds top superstar dis will be a smackdown win for eddie and raws big show nd kane will finaly get taken down if it wasent 4 dem orton wud be da world champ
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:because they have bastia mad and they have that dude bob something the black guy
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:Usually when I pick a SD! guy to win one of the two interbrand matches in any PPV, I will pick a RAW guy to win the other.....not in this case. Being the "favorite" in any match usually paves the way to the opposite finish.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:Eddie Guerrero died. I'm really saddened, no joke. I'll miss Latino Heat. Matt Hardy will probably take his place. Smackdown is the face in this match so I'll go with my favorite show.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:Batista won't lose beacuse he is still the WWE champion. Too bad he's injured. I think Eddie's death (rest his soul) will mean Smackdown is gonna win this one. Peace be with you. Viva La Eddie. My love goes out to Eddie Gurrero's Family especially his mother, daughters and wife. God bless you all. From Alexander Ablett (kyrma)
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:With Undertaker returning tonight and Orton being on Team Smackdown, I really doubt Smackdown's chances in this match now.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:if ther was cena, they wouldve won
Prediction:Team Raw
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Smackdown had the advantage at Taboo it's RAW's turn. Hopefully the feud between the shows WILL end, like Bischoff promised. Besides, Smackdown is in dire straits, and will probably get worse thanks to Eddie Guerrero's passing. It's time to re-unify the brands, not drive them permanently apart.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:I'm gonna miss Eddie, he was an awesome performer and a great person. Team Smackdown will dedicate this victory to Eddie, God bless you Eddie and your family. The 5th superstar on the SD team will either be Matt Hardy or Randy Orton. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Matt Hardy because lately, the only thing Randy's been doing is getting disqualified. It seems Orton has filled the spot, it will be interesting to see Randy and Batista on the same team after their match in Smackdown this friday
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:eddie,u were the best of the best of the best.and ur brand will win 4 u.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:smackdown is a show for 2nd rate wrestlers with no self dignity
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:Eddie was a great and entertaining wrestler.He will be missed for sure.
Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:i seem to recall a survivor series match from 2003 that pitted HBK against a few including remaning of Team Bischoff. Funny thing almost everyone in that match is gone from WWE now (excluding RVD, Booker T) oh and the other guy that will most likely give us the end of this match......RKO.