Carlito vs. Chris Masters

Brains vs. Brawn

115 Oracles have spoken

(90 predictions - 78.26%)
Chris Masters
Chris Masters
(24 predictions - 20.87%)
(1 Predictions - 0.87%)
Result:Carlito wins

Prediction:Chris Masters
Prophecy:master lock has never been broken
Prophecy:Carlito usually loses most of his matches, unless he's wrestling Shelton Benjamin of course, but barring that I think his new face role will see his win-loss record improve and his first step towards superstardom will begin with the Masterpiece.
Prophecy: Carlito=Cool
Prediction:Chris Masters
Prophecy:He is the master piece and he will definitly beat Carlito.
Prediction:Chris Masters
Prophecy:hahaha. A brains vs. brawn match. Who's supposed to have the brains?
Prophecy:He won't break the masterlock, but he'll still beat Masters. And that...that's cool!
Prophecy:I think Carlito will do something to avoid the Masterlock and get the win, Carlito could almost (not quite, nobody ever will!) pull off a cheating to win is cool thing, like the late great Eddie Guerrero did.
Prophecy:This feud will go for a couple of months, probably ending at Summerslam in a major blow-off match. For now, Masters seems like the obvious choice to take the opener, but apparently everone is wrapped up in Carlito's face turn, so they aren't picking him to lose. I have to agree. Carlito has been amazing as of late, and somehow Carlito picks up the win.
Prophecy:this role is great for carlito. I cannot wait to see where it goes.
Prophecy:I Love Carlito!!!
Prophecy:Carlito over the Masterpiece and breaking the masterlock??? now that's cool! :)
Prophecy:Carlito really is the bigger star of the two, and I'd like to think they recognize that. This is a make or break time for the guy, and a win here will help to cement his legitimacy as more than just a guy who won as a chickenshit heel.
Prediction:Chris Masters
Prophecy:Masters is gonna win because there is a mighty big chance that Masters will lock in the Masterlock. Then, bye bye Carlito!
Prophecy:After Wrestlemania, Carlito better have his greasy weave set ablaze to earn my forty dollars. Carlito is capable of getting a few chuckles when he gets tossed around by the afro but this isn't pay-per-view material. This would be a sufficient Monday Night Raw filler match. Carlito has been humiliating Chris on every show and will continue doing so tonight.
Prophecy:now das, das cool!
Prophecy:fuck the masturbater
Prediction:Chris Masters
Prophecy:I am going the other way on this one. Carlito has built himself up in the past few weeks. If he loses this match, he will bounce back. It would also be a good way to end this feud and start a new one with some other new wwe star. They seem to like using Carlito when someone new comes in.
Prophecy:By some type of interference.