Rey Mysterio vs. Booker T

World Championship

109 Oracles have spoken

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio
(35 predictions - 32.11%)
Booker T
Booker T
(74 predictions - 67.89%)
Result:Booker T wins

Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:tocc your right dude
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Mysterio has already beaten people way bigger and better than Booker T.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:they wont do a good guy vs good guy so i see it ending with booker winning so at summer slam it would be batista vs king booker
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey wins to set up a friend rivalry between either hardy and rey or batista and rey.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:I'm sure Booker T won't mind keeping the title warm for Batista.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey is the best champ in the WWE and as he did on Smackdown he will once again beat Booker T.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Booker to win to allow fued with Batista
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:king booker claims to be mighty but he will not match up to mysterio in this match
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:rey is going to win because i belive that rey is not just defending the worldheavyweight title just for himself but for eddie and rey is a more talented wrestler not that booker isn't a great athlete i just dont see him beating rey uless the kings court gets invovled but rey can still beat booker t.i think when booker loses he will no longer be king booker.But rey will be called King Mysterio! All hail king Rey!
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Mysterio wins in a shocker- RULE #127.6 - If you lose on Free TV in a non-title/ PPV-pimp match, you generally retain, but Booker will lose, due to interference from Chavo, as has been rumored, which might set off a Rey-Rey/Chavito feud, which actually might be interesting given the backstory.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I think Rey will win the match leading to face vs face match at Summerslam like the No Mercy 05 match with Batista & Eddie.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:rey is injured so must lose booker will win n then lose it in like a month to batista or finlay i wish ha ha go booker
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:chavo will screw rey
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:All Hail King Booker! I cannot wait until Chavo turns on Rey. That will be great. The World Champ as never won at the Great American Bash since it became 'Smackdown Presents' in 2004. That tells me Rey will lose. Booker's fight with Batista tells me Rey will lose. His aching knee injury tells me Rey will lose. Most importantly, the internet tells me Rey will lose, I'm kidding. Booker will finally get his WWE main event spot, and I think he deserves it. He can retire, like he wanted, after his one World title win, and have a big send off at SummerSlam, like Chris Jericho last year. All Hail King Booker!
Prediction:Booker T anyone reads my predictions
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:finally finally finally finally. all hail king booker!
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey Mysterio Isn't Ready To Pass The Torch Just Yet, Mysterio Still Has Many Title Defenses Left In Him. "And If You're Not Down With That I've Got Two Words For Ya :S*CK IT:"
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:rey rey ur not gay u will defend here
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:of course the king wiil win
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:King Booker will win and I agree with deadman4life