Rey Mysterio vs. Booker T

World Championship

109 Oracles have spoken

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio
(35 predictions - 32.11%)
Booker T
Booker T
(74 predictions - 67.89%)
Result:Booker T wins

Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:King Booker wins the title from Rey to set up a feud with Batista, based on their real-life scuffle. That's how Batista will get his title back. I thought Rey would go on to feud with Mark Henry, but now that he's out of the picture Rey will have to find another storyline, perhaps with Chavo. Booker T will now get to say he's the five time, five time, five time, five time, five time WCW Champion and one time... uhh.. yeah... World Champion. Or maybe he'll finally start considering his WCW Title runs as World Title runs... but then he'd have to start using two hands to count his title reigns.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:This King Booker gimmick is really giving me the f*#!ing s*#!s. Rey is s*#! aswell. I hope it's a Double DQ
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:I say someone screws Rey out of his championship. Summerslam will be Batista vs. Booker, where I believe Booker will win, and they'll keep fueding. It'll be nice to see Booker with the championship, he has earned it.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Looks like Booker T vs Batista at Summerslam. I see Booker being a transitional champion.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Batista needs a heel to be holding the title when he regains it (possibly at SummerSlam). With the massive push Booker T is getting, I think he'll win the title through cheating tactics, then lose the title to Batista at SummerSlam.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Don't ask me why. I already can't stand "All hail King Booker" so i dread to think what it will be like with "All hail World Champion King Booker"
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:The 6x, 6x, 6x, 6x, 6x, 6x World Heavyweight Champion Sharmell's man Kiiiing Booker, Al hail King Booker. 1 last run for The Bookman before he calls it quits.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:i hate the fact that i have the tendency to look at other people's comments and the total votes and that persuades me to choose the other guy...i want to go with rey mysterio...i can't picture booker winning it...but there are valid points...booker and batista have a real life scuffle, rey and henry still have a feud...and i can't see rey vs dave batista right now...booker hasn't won the title yet and he does deserve one run, even if it's not a long one.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Booker T so people will stop picking o him 4 only being a 5 time wcw champ booker needs the win
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I'm going to go out on a limb and give the duke to Rey.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Batista vs King Booker at Summerslam, and thats disapointing because he will be champ for a month then drop it to Batista. But I'm not sure.... really hard prediction here, because I cannot see King Booker winning the title, finally. Please god, let this match be the main event of the night instead of Batista vs now, Ken Kennedy.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:If Rey can beat Orton and Angle and King Booker is afraid of a dude who eats worms rey will destroy him
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:I actually had thought that this match would wind up being Mark Henry taking on Rey instead of Booker. It would have made a lot more since to have Mark Henry be the transitional champion to Batista given their history. I don't really think that the real-life issue that Booker and Batista had was really anything to carry on, since it was months ago and didn't involve a slutty girlfriend *cough* Lita *cough*. Either way, I'm just glad that their finally getting the title away from Rey Mysterio. Hopefully, after Booker loses the belt to Batista, he won't keep calling himself King Booker.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:This makes perfect sense. Booker will probably win with help from his henchman, Mark Henry, or maybe even Chavo I suppose. That way he can finally become a WWE world champion. Then you have his real life issues with Batista. Booker will get the win here and then drop the title back to Batista at Summerslam. This way, I guess everybody gets what they want. To make this even an easier pick, Rey pinned Booker on the last Smackdown......definitely a no brainer here.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Chavo is SO gonna turn. I still will be shocked if Booker actually wins the title though.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:All hail King Booker!, even though he's a fraudulent king. He will cheat to win with help from his court and Chavo Guerrero will turn on Rey and cost him title, too. After he wins the match, he can rub it in Regal's face that he could get the job done and Regal couldn't get it done. That will lead to a face turn for Regal, whether he turns on Booker T or he gets kicked out of the court. This will set up a feud between Booker T and Batista and Batista will probably win it by William Regal screwing Booker T out of the title.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Rey is way over right now, and World Title Reigns last alot longer. The only execption is Angle, which lost to Rey, due to WWE's bad timing. Orton had that problem, but his issue was that sometimes WWE writers are idiots. Booker cant even beat the U.S Champ, so what are the chances that he will beat the World Champ. His only saving grace is that WWE will give Batista the belt back, and they need a heel to have the belt for Batista.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:No, Batista needs to at least have a title shot against Rey. If that happens Batista will have a heel turn.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:All hail King Booker!
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:i dont see rey mysterio loosing to booker t but at summerslam yah to batista batista vs rey myserio plus i was alway right i was the champ last gab look at the result i got 7 out of 8 no one tied with me lol