DX vs. Edge & Orton

With Special Guest Referee (Bischoff)

100 Oracles have spoken

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
(37 predictions - 37%)
Randy Orton
Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
(62 predictions - 62%)
(1 Predictions - 1%)
Result:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO) win

Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:i have a weird feeling
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Does DX ever lose on PPV?
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:Toughest match on the card, Vince will be the Ref.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:overcome the odds of the special guest referee
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:DX has won at every PPV since they teamed up again and the SR which i think will be Eric Bischoff will probably screw DX.
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:i want dx to win but no matter what ref you choose he will favor edge and orton AKA THE GAY SQUAD
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:i'l never bet against edge.
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:DX needs to lose
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:The future of the WWE NEED to win here. DX hasn't lost a ppv match since their reunion, Cyber Sunday should be that night.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:DX are being played as the underdogs going into this, what with the ref of the match supposedly against them, so the old 'faces beat the odds and win' stick will be played. Bischoff who is voted ref turns on Edge and Orton to get back at McMahon.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Ten to one RKO turns on Edge before the end of the match.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:With the odds being stacked against them, they probably wont lose the first match up, that would make it look like they are too weak of a team, considering the only people they have really wrestled have been the Mc Mahons
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:The money's on Bischoff to do the honors here. Depsite the outcome of the "voting", the ref will take a bump, and a regular RAW ref will come in to count the pin for D/X. (Do I get bonus points if I predict correctly that it will be HHH scoring the pin?)
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:special ref or not dx is just going to piss orton and edge off even more when the ref counts against them
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:hmmmm i think Edge and orton will win here
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:i think edge and orton will get a major push in this match. triple h and micheals are suppsoed to put over young talent and i respect the fact that even if the script says there gonna lose they will still put on a amazing show for the fans. all the referees have been involved in a dx feud so i think it will be vince as referee and he will put over orton and edge. orton has been losing and getting disqualified and i think he is a amazing talent but just not ready for a title. perhaps the intercontinentell title.
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:The guest referee will screw DX or there would be no point having one!
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:I hope the fans choose Bischoff.
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:I have not picked against DX yet, and I do not regret it this time. DX has to lose here to make their 'big PPV' win mean more at Survivor Series. This goes back to my theory on Orton. He will win smaller PPV matches, but lose at the big four PPV's. That might be in jeopardy as he is 3-0 in Survivor Series style matches, but in any event the ref will screw DX. The ref will not be Coach, even if he was Cena's RAW opponent. I have to say that Bischoff will get the vote, just to give fans' hope that nWo will return. Vince may get involved, but it may be in a different way than most think..........
Prediction:Edge & Orton (Rated RKO)
Prophecy:if its coach as the ref dx will win but i have a feelin it will be ericv bishoff so dx r screwd