WWE Legends vs. The Spirit Squad

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

107 Oracles have spoken

Ric Flair
Ron Simmons
Dusty Rhodes
Arn Anderson
Sargent Slaughter
WWE Legends
(104 predictions - 97.2%)
The Spirit Squad
(3 predictions - 2.8%)
Result:WWE Legends wins

Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Really easy pick here, the legends win and the Squad splits.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:spirit squads final match together before they split up. can wwe get rid of all these exess legends that just sort of hang around doing nothing
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Spirit Squad is breaking up. No sense in having them win.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:This is a no brainer SS is starting to lose it.......the legends will pull it together
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Spirit Squad have not been connectimg together well as a tag team.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Legends take it, and I'm guessing the Squad starts arguing halfway through the match. Or possibly one of those Swing-Duck-Smack-Pin routines. You know, where one guy grabs a chair, swings it at another guy, who ducks and it hits a member of his team SMACK in the face, leading the guy who ducked to take a pin.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Legends are going to win definitely.............it wouldn't make sense for them to lose.........and this will be the break up of the Spirit Squad (maybe leading to a RAW show where all 5 members of the Squad have matches on the same day lol)
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy: Ja, I was going to vote for the Spirit Squad... but amazing that no one has vote for them....
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:What would be the point of having 4 1/2 washed up legends go over the young guys? Oh wait, this is WWE. Legends go over. Ugh.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:I predict a spirit squad breaks up and goes sepret ways
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The spirit squad is falling apart and the WWE legends have just joined so they'll obviously nail the squad at SS
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Execpt Arn Anderson, these legends have had enough time to win. Spirit Squad is going down the tubes, and it will be fun to see. Kenny will get pushed, and the rest is just fodder to be fired.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Nobody can outsmart the Legends
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:60 + yr olds Vs 20 year olds??? Hmmm This is an awful match
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Come on Legends will get the win the spirt Squad suck I think the spirt squad are going to brake up after this with the way it is going
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Legends are just legends but I like Kenny aswell
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Flair and his band of hobos will save the day
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:they will win because the spirit squad is falling apart. I see this as the final straw that will split them up for good.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:How can you pick against the Legends? Spirit Squad beaks up messily (hell, they've been teasing it for months now - pull the trigger already!) and the Legends show the young whipper-snapers HOW to Rassle.
Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:The Spirit Squad will break up soon so Legends will win.