Lita vs. Mickie James

Women's Championship

97 Oracles have spoken

(8 predictions - 8.25%)
Mickie James
Mickie James
(87 predictions - 89.69%)
(2 Predictions - 2.06%)
Result:Mickie James wins

Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Lita confirmed on Raw that this will be her last match. Now I'm torn. Does WWE want to hold another Women's tournament? My guess is "no". Would they give Lita the same respect as Trish, letting her retire with the belt? My guess is "yes". I'm going to stick with my original prediction and say Mickie takes the belt. Maybe Lita can do something with Team Extreme to close out her career later in the night.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:I heard the same rumors as Tocc, but what else would she be doing outside the ring?
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:I hate Lita's character! Go Mickie James! It's finally her turn to seek some redemption and win the women's title once and for all. You stupid writers that make no sense when writing storylines. I hope Lita leaves Raw by never winning at Survivor Series. The Women's title will stay where it belongs, in the WWE, not in retirement again. Besides, Lita does not deserve the same treatment that Trish got in her farewell match at Unforgiven.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:mickie has to win it here...lita is out of the wwe at the end of the year so this would seem to be the last match she has as champion
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:She got screwed over at cyber sunday - Lita hotshots the belt back to her, end of story.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Lita is gunna retire soon, so if she dosen't lose here, she'll lose the title soon.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Now that Lita has confirmed she is leaving after Survivor Series, I think Mickie will reclaim the strap here.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Mickie will beat Lita in Lita's last match of her career. The womens divsion is really gonna suck now with Trish AND Lita gone. All they got is Mickie now!
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Ha, so I was right about this being her farewell match. Anyways, I predict Mickie will win this one, and HOPEFULLY, the fans will pay their respect to Lita by saying bye to her, just like they did for Trish.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy: I hated her pshyco character, but since Trish left she's now wrestling and she's great.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Mickie keeps getting screwed week after week. Plus Lita is leaving soon. Mickie will reclaim what is rightfully hers.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Since Lita is retiring, I'm tempted to choose her here but I think they'll allow her to bow out with her head held high in some other way (thinking maybe she can celebrate with the Hardy Boys after team DX's win) so Mickie will win this. Hopefully Lita gets a good reception from the fans, which I'm sure she will...with Trish and Lita now both gone, I hope Mickie can lead the Women's Division well.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:As much as I'm enjoying Lita's exposure (and the slut jokes), I have to think that Mickie will win here regardless of the rumors of Lita's retirement. Mickie seems like she will be able to keep the Women's division alive while Lita continues to play arm-accessory to Edge.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:What Tocc said would be awesome! Lita screws Edge and helps The Hardy Boyz win! Everybody likes her before she retires a team extreme moment!
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Oh Mickie, You're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Mickie James wins, and Lita goes to TNA wrestling, then she cheats on Edge with Christian.
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:The way things are going with these two I going with Mickie James
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:obiously mickie will win as lita is goin n its no rumor its true lol boring match
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:time for lita to give it up
Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:for the first time go mickie!