Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

With Special Guest Referee Chris Jericho

92 Oracles have spoken

Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
(47 predictions - 51.09%)
(38 predictions - 41.3%)
(7 Predictions - 7.61%)
Result:Shawn Michaels wins

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:I always hated Batista from back to the days when he fueded with JBL. He sucks and always will suck.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:sweet chin music against the animal
Prophecy:I was originally going to go with hbk, but i gotta change it now that y2j is the special referee...i think jericho is turning heel and i think he will screw michaels somehow and batista will get the victory
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:I like Batista more, but I believe in what HBK stands for. I gotta go with him
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:mciahales will win great match hate batista though
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:hbk is right so he is gonna win
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK is the one we're supposed to feel sorry for so he'll probably come out on top and Batista will have a "revelation" and forgive him.
Prophecy:Shawn Michaels hardly does that well in Backlash anyway. Plus, since Chris Jericho is the special guest referee, he will screw over Shawn Michaels in this match.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This is a great match, but for dumb reasons. Yes, Shawn Michaels retired Ric Flair and Yes, Shawn Michaels is a real prick, willing to step over anyone in his way to reach the top, but couldn't they find a better reason for these two to start a rivalry? I am going with HBK for the win here.
Prophecy:I think Shawn deserves to win the opener, but I think Batista will win it.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:One match, HBK wins, shake hands afterwords
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:For now he may be champion again i hope if he does he will need a little more push for it someone in this match will turn heel I hope it Batistia he will work better as a heel than HBK we just seen him as a heel so i think it will be Batistia
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK heel turn finally?
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Batista Doesn't Have Respect For Naitch
Prophecy:Long term now considering this is not just about flair
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This feud is really poor in my view plus i don't like batista
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:I hope HBK wins, should be a entertaining match.
Prophecy:It doesn't really matter to me who wins this match but i'll just go with Batista since i want this storyline over with
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Batista is getting nowhere now, this match will just signify his slow descend into a midcard and rare main eventer