Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

With Special Guest Referee Chris Jericho

92 Oracles have spoken

Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
(47 predictions - 51.09%)
(38 predictions - 41.3%)
(7 Predictions - 7.61%)
Result:Shawn Michaels wins

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK is hands down the better wrestler, but Batista has had the bigger push lately. However, Batista is being a douche in the storyline and I feel bad for HBK. He did the right thing. (It's so stupid though. Why wouldn't Batista just ask Flair what he thinks of the situation? Oh. Right. Because then this match wouldn't happen.) Two faces rarely feud, but if they do Batista will probably win the opener and HBK will win the final match. If it's just a one time match, I'm thinking the nod goes to HBK.
Prophecy:I'm glad the WWE had someone come to get revenge for Flair, it would be stupid to let an obvious storyline like this slip by. I'm not exactly thrilled they chose Batista to be HBK's opponent. But, looking at the facts here I'd say Batista is due for the first win in this fued, which will go one for a few months at least.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Why is Batista being an asshole here? Right, because the feud couldn't happen otherwise. In that case... Why the hell are we even /having/ a feud? Michaels did what he had to do. To borrow a phrase from Carlito, making him seem like he was in the wrong is "Not Cool." Come to think of it, if anyone has to be in this, why not HHH? He was the MC for Flair's big leaving thing on Raw. If they wanted Batista to be all torn up, then have him do it. I'm going with Michaels here. This thing won't drag on too long, and Michaels will win the storyline. So it's one match and they're out.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:I'm thinking HBK on this one. With a little help from Ric Flair.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:For now
Prophecy:was going with hbk at first but now that jericho is now the special ref, he'll screw hbk and batista will win. i dont think they should put jericho in it.
Prophecy:This result would make as much sense as this storyline to me.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:See Armageddon 03
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:how the storyline works
Prophecy:I see a longer feud than one match going on, just because Batista isn't in the World title picture and I don't think he will be for a while. Mainly because last year he had like SEVEN Smackdown PPV main events against each new champion. That's pushing it a little bit...
Prophecy:think he needs to get a push if he's going to be main eventing for smackdown think he'll win or get DQ to turn heel
Prophecy:Batista will win by Batista Bombing hbk pinning him ; or win by DQ ( Umaga might comedown and cost HBK the match ? ) Batista will win
Prophecy:Well now that Y2J is the new special referee, this will have a controversial ending, and Jericho will screw one of two over. The question though is who? I'm saying he screws over HBK and starts a feud with him.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This storyline sucks anyway
Prophecy:Not sure Batista for now
Prophecy:I don't know why this is even a rivalry I mean let Flair retire in peace!
Prophecy:This one could go either way so I really have no idea.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:More likely to win.
Prophecy:They should start the feud between 'Taker and Batista and have Batista win the title so he should win this match. Michaels should start a feud with Jericho now. I can see some great matches between those two.
Prophecy:Batista is the best choice for being the guy who is "standing up for Flair" in this case, since a) he makes a way better bad guy and b) he was "mentored" by Flair back in the Evolution days, so it makes sense that he is HBK's opponent here. I'll go with Dave to win first up, a feud like this will certainly continue and HBK will get the last laugh.