Team Michaels vs. Team JBL

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

74 Oracles have spoken

Shawn Michaels
Rey Mysterio
The Great Khali
Shad Gaspard
Team Michaels
(65 predictions - 87.84%)
John Bradshaw Layfield
John Morrison
Mike Mizanin
Team JBL
(9 predictions - 12.16%)
Result:Team Michaels wins

Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:the clean guys ussally win the matches at survior series and I think it will stay the same cause JBL has no one good, plus Michaels has Kahli which is a wild card, also he will probbally start a fued
This is my lock.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:pretty clear
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:I have to go with HBK's team in this one. The issue between him and JBL came out of nowhere, so this could be a good way to get the feud started. In the end, it will be HBK and JBL left. I'll go with Shawn picking up the win, seeing how he he's been on the receiving end of punishment lately.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Faces normally win and mvps on a losing streak.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Team JBL
Prophecy:I think team JBL will pull it of. number 1 reason m.v.p has a big loseing streak and it should turn around at suvivor series. number 2 kane has lost at the last PPV and the no DQ match to rey.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:usaully the faces win here
Prediction:Team JBL
Prophecy:MVP for the win!!
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:This is obvious
This is my lock.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:HBK all the way
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Michael's team will win no doubt in my mind.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:...what a poor selection for teams...
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Faces win these matchs and michaels has the best team and is the best =)
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Khali is a face now, odd. Poor MVP is a jobber now. Really this is all about HBK and Rey vs JBL and Kane. HBK will move on to a singles fued with JBL and Rey will move on to a shot at the world title.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:with all the build on smackdown leading mvp to lose matches an i believe they wanna give hbk and khali good face pushes so team micheals
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Michaels team wins here, Kane does not work well with teams, so Michaels team definitley wins here.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:This match looks to be a lock for the show opener as nothing kicks off a ppv better than the fan favorite getting up over adversity and HBK has built his entire career on just that. It wouldn't surprise if this match ended up with a 5-1 scenario leaving JBL by himself to take all the finishes. Whichever way it goes down the result should be the same. Team HBK with the win.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:These matches almost always go to the faces.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:Pretty much agree 110% with The Tocc on this one.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Team Michaels
Prediction:Team Michaels