Edge vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship

67 Oracles have spoken

(62 predictions - 92.54%)
Triple H
Triple H
(2 predictions - 2.99%)
Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy
(3 predictions - 4.48%)
Result:Jeff Hardy wins

Prophecy:i know they aren't yet sure wether to put the belt on jeff or not but i'm praying they do it somewhere big like mania...still no doubt edge retains here
Prophecy:Again Edge just won it and i see a jeff and Edge feud coming up were hardy may finally win the belt!
Prophecy:It wouldn't make any sense to take the belt off of Edge so soon. I expect Edge/HHH at 'Mania.
Prophecy:Edge to keep belt also til bout maniawhere HHH or maybe Jeff will win the gold
Prophecy:Now that Kozlov's in his own match, sorta makes this match a bit more clear-cut. Edge will retain or it'll make no sense for him to have won it in the first place. Plus Smackdowns are more entertaining with the belt on him
Prophecy:Edge to retain, too early to lose the belt.
Prophecy:for now
Prophecy:This has some major potential to steal the show, and I think the crowd heat should be strong. Hardy's time seems to becoming (unless something outside the wrestling arena gets in the way), but it's not now. No reason to give HHH the strap back so quickly either.
Prophecy:The triple threat match is the type of match edge would win to retain.
Prophecy:This match looks to be a predictable one, with Edge using the recent hatred between Triple H and Hardy to his advantage. The only question left is whether the Ultimate Opportunist can hold onto the title until Wrestlemania where he will hopefully defend it against the fans' choice, Jeff Hardy.
This is my lock.
Prophecy:It's way too soon for Edge to drop the belt, especially back to HHH. Soon Jeff will get his run but it wont be for a while.
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:Tocc jeff being belligrent? what the f**k are you talking about for the 2nd month in a row i will say this JEFF IS NOT BEING "A PUNK" hes upping his game, BECOMING A MAIN EVENTA, IF A HEEL CAN SNEAK ATTACK JEFF why can't jeff sneak attack triple h? THATS SHOWING JEFF HAS BALLS TO MAKE IT, EDGE DOES THIS AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY, AND HES CALLED THE ULTIMATE OPPORTUNIST jeff does it 1-2 and he gets called a punk hahaha give me a break, JEFF WILL WIN HERE BUT LOSE IT 2 EDGE @R'RUMBLE NXT MONTH, hardy will enta the rumble after his loss and win the rumble selecting 2 challenge CENA WORLD CHAMPION AT MANIA 25 (in a wwe magazine i've seen it in two editions that wwe employees have said JEFF VS CENA IS THE DREAM MATCH vince macmahon wants 2 see)this reminds of of mania 98 ie hbk vs austin, hbk is simular to jeff back then bar alittle less crazy, and cena is like austin in style, this time tho the champs reversed and cena will hand the title to jeff for him to claim his mega push into wwe stardom!