CM Punk vs. Kane

67 Oracles have spoken

CM Punk
CM Punk
(58 predictions - 86.57%)
(9 predictions - 13.43%)
Result:Kane wins

Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Does Kane even win sometimes?
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This is not a tough one i would choose mr MITB over Kane any day of the week, plus im getting that tingly feeling that at backlash he might be cashing in the MITB breafcase and winning his second major championship.
This is my lock.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I dont understand why this match is happening.. but whatever. Theres an expected MITB cash-in I guess as well.. soooo who knows?
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I see him winning this match and then cashing it in to win the World Heavyweight Title.
This is my lock.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:CM Punk is building up steam heading into his cashing in of the money in da bank...which im guessing will happen after cena beats edge...
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I'm not even sure why this match is taking place. This is like one of those old Wrestlemania's where they threw everyone into a match storyline or no storyline. Only problem is this is a seven match card, and not a fourteen match card. Anyway, Punk is on the rise, and Kane's job is to put guys like that over. It's simple logic.
This is my lock.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:They are building Punk up once again, only this time I hope they get it right. If they try, they can truly make him one of the top guys, he just needs to be believable. That will hopefully start here with a win over the Big Red Machine.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:i could see him cashing in his mitb after cena beats edge
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This match is stupid. Who cares? Cm Punk should win. Overall this Backlash's matches suck. They should have had a mid card title match, tag title match and women's title match but instead we get this. Stupid wwe.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I think Punk Will Challenge the champion to a match at jugdement day so he cant lose this match cas that will make him look weak.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:... i feel he'll be cashing in his MITB some time soon
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:If this is the opening match, then CM Punk will cash in MITB and win the World Heavyweight Title. Punk should be able to win here in a match that makes no sense at all.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Punk will take the win here and then possibly come back at the end to cash in his title shot.
This is my lock.
Prediction:CM Punk
This is my lock.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prediction:CM Punk