Nexus vs. Team Raw

7-on-7 Tag Team Elimination Match

54 Oracles have spoken

Wade Barrett
David Otunga
Heath Slater
Skip Sheffield
Justin Gabriel
Darren Young
Michael Tarver
(27 predictions - 50%)
John Cena
John Morrison
Bret Hart
Team Raw
(27 predictions - 50%)
Result:Team Raw wins

Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Time for some payback. I smell a HHH return. I'm thinking Miz's music hits and he comes half way to the ring, acting like he's doing everyone a favor. Then HHH's music hits, he shoves his sledgehammer up Miz's ass, and joins the team to secure a win for team Raw.
Prophecy:Team WWE will boil down to The Miz and John Cena. The Miz will get frustrated with Cena and walk out on him. Cena will eliminate a couple Nexus members single-handedly, but succumb to Barrett. The Nexus wins the first encounter between these teams.
Prophecy:I change my mind in this one !! maybe Triple H returning & screwing Team Raw.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Exactly enough is enough time to show these no good punks what real superstars are made of, Lets roll out the big guns boys go team Raw, put these no good shits down!
Prophecy:i think miz will be the 7th member for team raw and will screw cena and cost team raw the match. and in exchange for screwing cena nexus will help miz later in the night.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:This is very hard. Does WWE want Nexus to win so they can really be taken seriously or do they want to please their audience and have Raw kick their asses? It's a tough call but I am going with Raw. Go Bret! Possibly a last minute appearance by Triple H?
Prophecy:Time for a heel turn
Prophecy:John Cena and team Nexus. Cena the new leader of team Nexus
Prophecy:If the Nexus doesn't win, their push is stopped dead in it's tracks. We have got to be able to buy in to this group as a serious threat, otherwise they're just a bunch of nobodys. They're not like the nWo who had established wrestlers already. Plus, they need a solidified leader. Enter John Cena?
Prophecy:I agree with everyone picking Nexus to win here. I really don't think that Team Raw will cooperate as a team to get the job done. Plus, Nexus is getting a push and I'm also guessing that John Cena may end up turning heel.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:i think cena team looks good and i think its time for pay back Cena teams win but i always said it would be nicies to see Cena a heel again but i don't think this will be the way he going to turn heel and cena team not getting a long is just pushing for a WWE win and i think nexus has all the momentum on there side so team WWE gets this one
Prophecy:Nexus HAS to win this. If Team Raw wins, Nexus dies. John Cena, it's time to turn heel.
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:This will be a massacre
Prediction:Team Raw
Prediction:Team Raw
Prophecy:Really torn on this one, but I'm going to have to pick Raw in the end.
Prophecy:I say Cena turns on Raw crew and becomes the leader of Nexus causing a civil war in the Locker room.
Prophecy:someone will join them ...of the raw team or the outside i don't know
Prophecy:team Nexus has i repeat HAS to win this match..unless the wwe is stupid and decides to end this great rivalry, which i highly doubt they will. Some type of screw job is going to happen and it comes down to four people john cena,miz,bret hart or Triple H. Im hoping cena turns on team raw and goes heel that would be a huge shock and would make this rivalry very very interesting.
This is my lock.
Prophecy:Miz will join team WWE only to turn on them and become the new leader of Nexus! U heard it here first!
Prophecy:It just seems too obvious that Team WWE will win. The constant bickering and the fact that Nexus is getting the better of them every week only adds to the argument. The Nexus however needs a win to stay a legitimate force (together they are a big name, separate their nothing). I'll go with Nexus winning after Team WWE gets double crossed. I've narrowed it down to who might could be a possible traitor..Bret Hart or (dramatic pause) John Cena (turning him heel would be the best thing WWE has done in a while).