Prophecies of President D

Survivor Series 2008

Team Michaels vs. Team JBL

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:I have to go with HBK's team in this one. The issue between him and JBL came out of nowhere, so this could be a good way to get the feud started. In the end, it will be HBK and JBL left. I'll go with Shawn picking up the win, seeing how he he's been on the receiving end of punishment lately.
Result:Team Michaels wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Jericho vs. John Cena

World Championship

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:It would make sense for Cena to win here, seeing how Batista lost the title after a Week. That way their probably trying to save Batista-Cena II for a later date (probably Wrestlemania). That being said however, I don't Jericho will simply hand the title right back to Cena. He will have been champ for 3 weeks come Survivor Series, so I think he'll hold onto it for a little longer.
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

Undertaker vs. Big Show

Casket Match

Prophecy:Tough call here, Show won the first one, Taker won the second. Hmm...this is a tricky one to pick. Someone could possibly screw Taker out of the match, and set up a new feud later on, but for now, I'll go with Taker picking up the win (this will no doubt be the biggest casket we have ever seen probably).
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Team Batista vs. Team Orton

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Orton
Prophecy:Since I gave HBK's team the win, I'll go with the heels taking this one. End comes down to Orton and Batista. Just as it likes its over, Team Priceless interferes on behalf of Orton, and officially align themselves with him.
Result:Team Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

Raw Divas vs. Smackdown Divas

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:RAW clearly has the better team, so I'll go with them winning aside from probable tensions between Mickie and Beth. Santino will probably be up to his usual highjinks throughout the match.
Result:Raw Divas wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 80% Accurate

Ranked 5th among Wise Ones for this event.