Prophecies of WrestlingOracle

Survivor Series 2008

Chris Jericho vs. John Cena

World Championship

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:WITH jeff hardy being added to the smackdown title match that too me signals the end of triple h's title reign as kozlov will pin hardy or hardy will pin kozlov and with that cena will return but not win straight away, i doubt wwe would allow cena, no matter who he is to walk right back in and UNDESERVEDLY just take y2j's title when y2j randy and cm punk have been carrying raw PRETTY GOOD without cena!!! unless wwe has hhh and y2j lose their titles, and i doubt a double title change will happen (IM PRAYIN HHH DOESN'T RETAIN)
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

Team Michaels vs. Team JBL

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Michaels
Prophecy:khali face turn? lol (also whers the other matches, ie taker vs big slow and hhh vs hardy vs kozlov)
Result:Team Michaels wins
1 Point Awarded

Undertaker vs. Big Show

Casket Match

Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Isn't this around the time of year undertaker dissapears untill january (time for the royal rumble) and a wrestlemania return (in which i hope 2 things happen) 1)he loses his streak at wrestlemania 2)it ends in contraversy and undertaker dissapears, for good? NO-ONE KNOWS (leavin door open for a return if he wants too)
Result:Undertaker wins
0 Points Awarded

Team Batista vs. Team Orton

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Orton
Prophecy:Orton - brilliant at selling moves, good on mic as heel, good wrestler, innovative.........Batista:crap on mic, crap at selling moves, crap at doing moves, can't even do a spear without hurtin himself/it lookin really really fake and worse of all, he can't wrestle!!!HOPE ORTON KICKS THIS muscled up freakshow and rko's him through the ring
Result:Team Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

Raw Divas vs. Smackdown Divas

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Beth Pheonix should just single handidly beat all these talentess bitches then turn on team raw and smack them around too, with a smilin celebratin rootin tootin hillarious side show that is santino doing commentary lol
Result:Raw Divas wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 3

3 Points Earned | 60% Accurate

Ranked 10th among Wise Ones for this event.