Prophecies of Eddie Rocks

Judgment Day 2009

Randy Orton vs. Batista

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:After Orton Just Won The Title He should have won at mania he will keep it for longer. The Age Of Orton is not over and the one man dynasty continues.
Result:Batista wins
0 Points Awarded

Christian vs. Jack Swagger

ECW Championship

Prophecy:I doubt he will lose the title yet.
Result:Christian wins
1 Point Awarded

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

World Heavyweight Championship

Prophecy:Edge deserves a long rein.
Result:Edge wins
1 Point Awarded

John Cena vs. Big Show

Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Its a tough one but iii go with the big show.
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

CM Punk vs. Umaga

Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:A tough decision but iii go with the hometown hero cm punk
Result:Umaga wins
0 Points Awarded

Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho

Intercontinental Championship

Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I doubt jericho will go bk to being ic champ.
Result:Rey Mysterio wins
1 Point Awarded

John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin

Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:So that morrison can be on a roll.
Result:John Morrison wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 57% Accurate

Ranked 11th among Wise Ones for this event.

Prophesized Events