Prophecies of Legend Killer-rko

Elimination Chamber 2010

Raw's Elimination Chamber Match

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:This match type favors the Viper to quite an extent as both kofi and Dibiase are not up to the level of main eventing wrestlemania plus as the road to wm continues Cena and HHH will be put into different match types as Cena keeps pulling for Bret, they might put him in a match with Batista who will be representing Vince. That leaves us with the Legend killer and Casper lol i mean Sheamus. Here the Viper will strike with venom sinking it's fangs into its prey. Randy Orton wins his seventh world title either with delivering an rko to sheamus or a punt to the skull !
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

Smackdown's Elimination Chamber Match

World Heavyweight Championship

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:This is it moment of truth time i will have to agree with my friend Saad here as the tension between Edge and Chris Jericho has been building up, plus they have unfinished business here so Y2J will pick up the title from the dead man here as Edge will get his chance not only to face Y2J but will build on this rivalry till mania, that also opens another door for HBK to face the Undertaker at WM26 with the streak on the line again( This time Shawn might win and end the streak)
Result:Chris Jericho wins
1 Point Awarded

Drew McIntyre vs. Kane

Intercontinental Championship

Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Hell no Kane wont beat Drew Mcintyre here as he needs to be built up till mania so for now Drew will keep the title lol its not like WWE would give the title here to Kane anyways Mcintyre retains.
This is my lock.
Result:Drew McIntyre wins
1 Point Awarded (+1 bonus point)
Total Points: 2 (+1 Bonus Point)

2 Points Earned | 67% Accurate

Ranked 2nd among Wise Ones for this event.