Prophecies of FlyinFrogg

No Way Out 2003

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock

Rematch from Wrestlemania

Prediction:Hulk Hogan
Prophecy:The Rock owes Hulk Hogan one, and I highly doubt Hogan can retire at WrestleMania having lost two big matches to Rock. Hogan will win, then try to shake hands like last year, but Rock and McMahon will kick his ass. This heel turn would be good if it wasn't a waste, since Rock is a short-term plan. He'll be gone the day after WrestleMania XIX. What a waste of what could have been a good heel turn.
Result:The Rock wins
0 Points Awarded

Triple H vs. Scott Steiner

Ego Battle #2

Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:There is no way Scott Steiner can take the belt from Triple H. Not based on talent, based on pull. Triple H, so long as he screws Stephanie McMahon, gets what he wants. It'd be nice if Steve Austin's return changed things for the better, but until Vince McMahon saves his company, expect Triple H to plow through the competition, much like he will with Steiner at No Way Out. Prediction: Pinfall victory to get away from yet another match between the two men who have become to least talented athletes (not entertainers) in the business.
Result:Triple H wins
1 Point Awarded

Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff

Return of the Rattlesnake

Prediction:Steve Austin
Prophecy:Steve Austin is going to kick Eric Bischoff's ass, plain and simple. I think it would be neat if Austin "no-showed" and Bischoff started harassing JR, then Austin came out and beat the living hell out of him. Bischoff will try to leave once or twice, but doesn't stand a chance once Austin brings him back to the ring.
Result:Steve Austin wins
1 Point Awarded

Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Benoit vs. Kurt Angle with Team Angle

6 Man Tag

Prediction:Kurt Angle with Team Angle
Prophecy:Rhyno or Edge, doesn't matter. Team Angle will sneak by the babyfaces in what I expect to be a good match with many techincal based highlights. Kurt Angle will get the last laugh on Brock Lesnar, who may be distracted with Paul Heyman.
Result:Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit win
0 Points Awarded

Undertaker vs. Big Show

Prophecy:This match is going nowhere fast. Expect to see Nathan Jones go after "the biggest dog in the yard" either during or after the match. I imagine he'll align himself with Paul Heyman.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Billy Kidman vs. Matt Hardy

Cruiserweight Title

Prediction:Matt Hardy
Prophecy:I like Billy Kidman, but Matt Hardy needs something to do and the Cruiserweight Title needs him. Hardy will win and act as if he just pinned Andre The Giant.
Result:Matt Hardy wins
1 Point Awarded

Kane & Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal & Lance Storm

World Tag Team Title Match

Prediction:William Regal & Lance Storm
Prophecy:"Superstar" teams like Rob Van Dam and Kane are good on television, but they end up breaking up or just going solo. Lance Storm and William Regal will win this one, setting up their match with The Dudley Boyz at WrestleMania.
Result:William Regal & Lance Storm win
1 Point Awarded

Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho

Match Changed Thursday

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:This will be as good as it was on RAW. Chris Jericho is climbing the ladder and should be the one to fight with Shawn Michaels in what will be Michaels' apparent last match or atleast last WrestleMania match. Jeff Hardy did not deserve this spot, but throwing Jericho off the card would have been worse. REAL smart though kicking out Test, what with his amazing control of a blizzard in order to stay in Baltimore. It would have been smarter to keep that match and have Test lose cleanly.
Result:Chris Jericho wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 6

6 Points Earned | 75% Accurate

Ranked 2nd among Wise Ones for this event.

Prophesized Events