Prophecies of The Tocc

Vengeance 2003

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show

Triple Threat for the WWE Championship

Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I'm a huge Angle fan, but I don't see Brock giving back the title so quickly. His reign has been short, and I think he'll extend it with a win here. Show has been getting a tremendous push lately, but I don't see him taking the title at this point. Angle is all over the Vengeance propaganda, but I think he'll have to wait at least until Summerslam for his next title reign.
Result:Kurt Angle wins
0 Points Awarded

John Cena vs. Undertaker

It's About Respect

Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:This one could go either way. Cena is no stranger to the WWE push. However, Undertaker does not lay down for just anybody. If Cena does manage to steal one here, it definitely will not be a clean win. I've changed my prophecy to Cena to even out my predictions with some more heels winning.
Result:Undertaker wins
0 Points Awarded

Zach Gowen vs. Vince McMahon

Legless vs Heartless

Prediction:Zach Gowen
Prophecy:If this were Zach's only pay-per-view appearance, I'd definitely give this one to him. But, if Zach is going to be a long time character, he may have to lose a few matches and earn his stripes. However, after this past Smackdown when Vince put Zach out of commission with a chair shot to his good leg, you know Zach will be getting some Vengeance.
Result:Vince McMahon wins
0 Points Awarded

Stephanie McMahon vs. Sable

Daddy's Little Girl vs Daddy's Little Toy

Prediction:Stephanie McMahon
Prophecy:Steph's on the creative team. Sable has been getting away with a lot lately. "Vengeance" will be Stephanie's.
Result:Sable wins
0 Points Awarded

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio

Tag Team Championship

Prediction:World's Greatest Tag Team
Prophecy:With a new name and a new push, I think Haas & Benjamin will take this one. We won't see Kidman and Mysterio getting too wrapped up in this tag team business.
Result:World's Greatest Tag Team wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

U.S. Championship Tournament Finals

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I really don't care who wins. As it always is when these two get in the ring together, this will be an awesome match anyway. With that said, I'm gonna go with Benoit, since he's gone the longest without any gold.
Result:Eddie Guerrero wins
0 Points Awarded

APA Invitational

Bar Room Brawl

Prediction:Sean O'Haire
Prophecy:I'm still going with O'Haire as I think he has the most potential. This match is a joke. Does it have to be one man who wins, or can both APA members win together? If that happens, it will be ruled a "draw" here.
Result:Bradshaw wins
0 Points Awarded

Jamie Noble vs. Billy Gunn

A Noble Chance to Nail Torrie

Prediction:Jamie Noble
Prophecy:Gunn is definitely more over, but having Noble win makes for better TV. I think they'll go into next Thursday with Torrie obligated to sleep with Jamie. Then Nidia will get involved and the whole plan will go to hell.
Result:Jamie Noble wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 2

2 Points Earned | 25% Accurate

Ranked 13th among Wise Ones for this event.

Prophesized Events