Prophecies of bjciii

SummerSlam 2003

Elimination Chamber Match

6 Men for the World Championship

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:Give it to The King of Bling-Bling. Why? They made this a multi-man match to hide the inadequacies of the original HHH / Goldberg match-up. They won't give it to Michaels or Nash due to the fact that both are pals of HHH and are probably tired of lying down for him. Orton has NO shot, so Jericho looks to be HHH's whipping boy at Vengence in September.
Result:Triple H wins
0 Points Awarded

Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Friendship Gone Bad

Prophecy:The upper management hates RVD and they hate what he's been saying on various shows, so look for RVD to get destroyed.
Result:Kane wins
1 Point Awarded

Eric Bischoff vs. Shane McMahon

Mac Is Back

Prediction:Shane McMahon
Prophecy:No way Bischoff will ever go over a McMahon on a PPV.
Result:Shane McMahon wins
1 Point Awarded

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE Championship

Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:He seems to be Vince's wet-dream lately, so look for him to recapture.
Result:Kurt Angle wins
0 Points Awarded

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri

Fatal 4 Way for the U.S. Title

Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:He keeps it to set up an INCREDIBLE rematch between Benoit and Latino Heat at the next SD PPV.
Result:Eddie Guerrero wins
1 Point Awarded

A-Train (Albert) vs. Undertaker

A-Train's Last Ride?

Prophecy:Taker don't job on the biggies. Period.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Zach Gowen vs. Matt Hardy

Zach's PPV Match V2 vs Mattitude V1

Prediction:Matt Hardy
Prophecy:Matt Hardy is going to take this one... barely.
Result:Matt Hardy wins
1 Point Awarded

La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boys

Raw Tag Team Championship

Prediction:The Dudley Boys
Prophecy:While I wouldn't mind seeing the Canadians take it, they've been punking The Dudley Boys left and right lately... it's gonna be another reign for Da Boyz.
Result:La Resistance wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 5

5 Points Earned | 63% Accurate

Ranked 7th among Wise Ones for this event.