Prophecies of DANCSQUARED

SummerSlam 2003

Elimination Chamber Match

6 Men for the World Championship

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:He's on a roll, beat nash and got the last word on monday nite.
Result:Triple H wins
0 Points Awarded

Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Friendship Gone Bad

Prophecy:big red machine vs. rvd, no doubt rvd is gonna bring his game but c'mon its a new and pissed off kane.
Result:Kane wins
1 Point Awarded

Eric Bischoff vs. Shane McMahon

Mac Is Back

Prediction:Shane McMahon
Prophecy:here comes the money!
Result:Shane McMahon wins
1 Point Awarded

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE Championship

Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:He's bald, pissed off, and the best wwe athlete ever......duh
Result:Kurt Angle wins
1 Point Awarded

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri

Fatal 4 Way for the U.S. Title

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:he's been working the mind games, the mother-cannuker is gonna win it
Result:Eddie Guerrero wins
0 Points Awarded

A-Train (Albert) vs. Undertaker

A-Train's Last Ride?

Prophecy:he's big evil, seniority at its finest.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Zach Gowen vs. Matt Hardy

Zach's PPV Match V2 vs Mattitude V1

Prediction:Zach Gowen
Prophecy:zach cant possibly win when he had brocks attack and going up against mattitude itself, but i have a horrible fealing that the gimp is gonna win this one just because he needs a win and it'll be some stupid feel good story, and zach's ugly mom will come down and cry and celebrate, and tazz and cole will run their mouths about how great a success story it is, but when the camera's stop rolling, still no-one will care............
Result:Matt Hardy wins
0 Points Awarded

La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boys

Raw Tag Team Championship

Prediction:The Dudley Boys
Prophecy:wood is thicker than whine.
Result:La Resistance wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 50% Accurate

Ranked 9th among Wise Ones for this event.