Prophecies of DuffMan

SummerSlam 2003

Elimination Chamber Match

6 Men for the World Championship

Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:As enjoyable as this match appears to be developing into, its ending shall no doubt be spoiled by...oh you guessed it Triple H. After nearly being killed in last time in the elimination chamber he has even less reason to want to give it up now since he holds a unique position with McMahon and being a "political mastermind" shall use Flair to retain the belt.
Result:Triple H wins
1 Point Awarded

Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Friendship Gone Bad

Prediction:Rob Van Dam
Prophecy:It would not be seen so pointless if Kane was to lose this match, as it would show he is stoppable, but looks like it can only happen with an outside interferance with Shaneus-O-McMahonus.
Result:Kane wins
0 Points Awarded

Eric Bischoff vs. Shane McMahon

Mac Is Back

Prediction:Eric Bischoff
Prophecy:For some reason, im betting on Erica beating Shaneus, it just seems Erica will have an upper hand if Shaneus does get involved in the match between RVD and Kane. Of course, the likely outcome will be that i am wrong
Result:Shane McMahon wins
0 Points Awarded

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE Championship

Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:As I am both Angle and Lesnar fans this is a difficult one to predict as Lesnar has the 'evil' behind him, makes a change from HHH being behind the 'evil' (more than one sense) so would appear as tho a screwjojb would occur. Yet the title keeps changing and instead it needs to remain in the hands of Angle, to at least prolong this feud rather than milk it.
Result:Kurt Angle wins
1 Point Awarded

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri

Fatal 4 Way for the U.S. Title

Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:If you have seen reports, you will know Eddie is seen as wwe's brightest star right now due to his in ring ability and high flying antics, he also has a wicked gimmick whereas Benoit altho has the talent is lacking the image as of recently compared to Eddie- shall be a gd match tho
Result:Eddie Guerrero wins
1 Point Awarded

A-Train (Albert) vs. Undertaker

A-Train's Last Ride?

Prophecy:I pity the fool who said A-Train would win. Look at him, hes a giant velcro pad. No one in their right mind would ever lose to that, and since Taker is regarded as an extremely loyal minion to McMahon, he will be winning this one against Mr Velcro
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boys

Raw Tag Team Championship

Prediction:La Resistance
Prophecy:The Dudley's will appear to have this one done and dusted when the newest member of the Resistance interferes and so allowing the Frogs to win. Again.
Result:La Resistance wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 5

5 Points Earned | 71% Accurate

Ranked 6th among Wise Ones for this event.