Prophecies of goldust

WrestleMania XX 2004

WWE Tag Team Titles Match

Smackdown's Fatal Fourway

Prediction:Rikishi & Scotty
Prophecy:Although the World's Greatest Tag Team are superior they've had their push and get heat w/o belts. The Kish and Scotty just came back and they've pushed them immediately upon their return. No use in killing the push now, especially with the blind sheep fans that like the Worm and the Stinkface.
Result:Rikishi & Scotty win
1 Point Awarded

World Tag Team Titles Match

Raw's Fatal Fourway

Prediction:Booker T & Rob Van Dam
Prophecy:Booker T and RVD have only held the titles for a few weeks and they are finally getting a reaction, which is more than what they were getting flying solo. The Dudleys are 97 time tag champs and don't need another title just yet to solidify their spot. The other teams aren't even worth mentioning.
Result:Booker T & Rob Van Dam win
1 Point Awarded

Cruiserweight Open

Elimination Match for the Cruiserweight Title

Prediction:Chavo Guerrero
Prophecy:McMahaon is always doing 1 of 2 things: shocking the fans or making you watch one hand while he tricks you with the other. The latter is the case here; he is gonna tease and wow the fans with 9 other guys, while Chavito sneaks out the back door. Don't forget about Chavo Sr. Also, the only real threat is Rey. Kidman is a darkhorse but the company doesn't look too eager to push him yet.
Result:Chavo Guerrero wins
1 Point Awarded

Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels

Triple Threat Match for the World Championship

Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:As much as Benoit deserves this, the company would not have thrown in HBK if Benoit was threat. They think that Benoit can't hold a candle to Trips on the mike and mic skills get you everywhere. Trips to win although it is time for a change. Maybe next time Chris...
Result:Chris Benoit wins
0 Points Awarded

Undertaker vs. Kane

Dead Man Wrestling

Prophecy:Taker is back for revenge and with a new look and after a long time off, now is not the time for him to lose. Plus, this is Mania, and nobody is about to kill that unbeaten streak.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Big Show vs. John Cena

U.S. Title Match

Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:considering that the Big Sloooooow (zzzzzzzzzz) has defended that title less than Hogan ever did in the 80's it is time for a change. Plus, Cena has never been bigger and WM is a prime time for him to get his first title.
Result:John Cena wins
1 Point Awarded

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

Stone Cold as Special Guest Referee

Prophecy:Both guys are even and both are apprehensive about their futures with the company. I see Austin getting hit by both guys at least once during the match whether on purpose or accident. In the end I see Austin dropping them both with a Stunner and two middle fingers... and that's all I gotta say about that!
Result:Goldberg wins
0 Points Awarded

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

WWE Championship

Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Latino heat finally got a title after all these years and he is not about to become a transitional champion so soon. He also represents a large minority audience (oxymoron?) That's always good for PR and the latino audience is growing while other fans dwindle.
Result:Eddie Guerrero wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Jericho vs. Christian

Avenging Yoko

Prophecy:Y2J is the bigger name, but I see a push on the horizon for Christian. Despite the IC title push Christian has not made a big dent since going solo, unlike Edge. Who was the mistery driver who drove away with Christian on Raw? none other than Trish. Look for her at WM since she is not fighting for a title.
Result:Christian wins
1 Point Awarded

Victoria vs. Molly Holly

Women's Title or Molly's Hair

Prediction:Molly Holly
Prophecy:Shock value is great, but it doesn't fly in an unimportant match such as this, no offense ladies... Molly is not about to shave her head a la Angle. Sorry Vic.
Result:Victoria wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 7

7 Points Earned | 70% Accurate

Ranked 5th among Wise Ones for this event.