Prophecies of CeffectX

Backlash 2004

Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs Triple H

Final Encounter for the World Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:It's funny, but i'm forseeing Shawn turning heel, but what ever happened to his Christian conversion?? Yeah, that lasted long. I think this is the end of Michaels hopefully for good. I know sometimes the WWE likes to spice things up and throw in a wrench, but I think they will let the hometown boy pick this one up, especially since last time they had a canadian champion (cough) bret (cough) defending the title, he had the ultimate screw job done to him. Throw what you will into this match, it's still going to Benoit. But I really don't care for him, HHHHHHH, or Michaels. I say push Undertaker before his time totally passes.
Result:Chris Benoit wins
1 Point Awarded

Mick Foley vs. Randy Orton

Hardcore Intercontinental Title Match (evolution banned)

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:I have changed my mind here. I don't believe that Mick , Cactus, Dude , or Mankind will beat Orton, and even with the stipulation that Evolution is banned, how does that stop somebody else from interfering? New member of evolution maybe??? I'm just throwing out ideas here, either way how does Cactus Jack as IC champ sound? It makes absolutley no sense, therefore confiding me fully in my pick. So it is said, so it shall be done.
Result:Randy Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

Edge vs. Kane

Edge Returns

Prophecy:Kane destroyed every reekasoarus rex in his path, yet he never got another title run. I don't forsee big plans for Kane in this one, he will put Edge over (like he needs it). Of course, i've seen stranger things, we all seemed to think Rock n' sock would win at Wrestlemania....we'll see....
Result:Edge wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish

Handicap Match

Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:Jericho seems to go in a trend. Chris Jericho as a heel scores ma-jor victories and sets milestones (i.e. Undisputed Champion). Chris Jericho turns face and can't win a match to save his life and just when you are finished with him, he gets a mediocre win to keep him alive, therefore I say the Jericho cycle will not break and he will get the mediocre win (although I like Christian, he is not a ma-jor player)......UPDATE!! THEY JUST ADDED TRISH TO THE MATCH!!! This parallels the Bashams & Shaniqua fiasco from No Way Out. Final Prediction : Jericho pins Trish and we get Jericho/Christian three somewhere down the road UGGGGGGHHHHHH.
Result:Chris Jericho wins
1 Point Awarded

Victoria vs. Lita

Women's Championship

Prophecy:Ummm...well, there's nothing to really get excited about here folks, unless you're a fan of Victor or Leeeeta. One would think that since this is a face/face confrontation, that one of them will turn heel, I mean that's justified, it's usually the scenario. But...we're talking the women's league here, I mean, you can win a match via a backslide, so i'd say it's safe to assume nothing special will happen here, Victoria will beat Lita for the millionth time, they kiss and make up (stop with the mentals) and Alundra Blayze beats them both senseless.
Result:Victoria wins
1 Point Awarded

Coach vs. Tajiri

Too bad, Coach. The ninja lost.

Prediction:Jonathan Coachman
Prophecy:Hmmm, don't really care here BUT every correct prediction is a point, so I guess I care a little. This match has no real signifigance, ehhh, Coach will pull a win via some interference.
Result:Jonathan Coachman wins
1 Point Awarded

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair

May vs December

Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Quite an odd match up, and barring any screw jobs (we are in Canada you know) Shelton will get the W in a maybe tedious long match.
Result:Shelton Benjamin wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 7

7 Points Earned | 100% Accurate

Ranked 1st among Wise Ones for this event.