Prophecies of CeffectX

Survivor Series 2004

John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Booker T

WWE Championship - JBL Leaves Smackdown If He Loses

Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Man, I like JBL but everytime he's in a match I go against him, and I have been wrong everytime!! The worst part is, my gut says to go with Booker T and quite honestly I feel neither will/would last long as champ, it will probably go to Angle or Show. So depending on who wins, the next feud will be JBL/Big Show or Booker T/Angle. So, by way of coin flip, Booker T gets my nod.
Result:John "Bradshaw" Layfield wins
0 Points Awarded

Undertaker vs. John Heidenreich

Dead Man Stalking

Prediction:John Heidenreich
Prophecy:At Survior Series, the Undertaker will lose. It doesn't matter who the oracles choose. His arrival to supremacy was delayed too long. To job to the Undertaker would be DEAD WRONG!! When he was on RAW he was easy to defeat. Losing to Rico and thrown on Sunday Night Heat. But now he's ready and you better believe, YOU MUST FEAR HEIDENREICH AND PAUL E.!! And that was a poem by The Effect.
Result:Undertaker wins
0 Points Awarded

Team Eddie vs. Team Angle

Classic Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Angle's Team
Prophecy:Team Angle won last year's Survior Series match against those "Big *** Dudes" as the head oracle master dubbed them, so this year the big dudes (who are on Angle's team) will win. Angle will go 2-0 @ Survivor Series, despite he did not survive himself. And a side prediction (10-29) , since Carlito has no current challenger for the PPV, he might Tag with Team Angle, just my gut. Once again, Smackdown is trying to create an "Evolution" es-que stable. It didn't work with Team Lesnar and it won't work now. Luther is pretty cool though
Result:Eddie's Team wins
0 Points Awarded

Raw Faces vs. Raw Heels

Classic Elimination - Winning Team Controls Raw

Prediction:Raw Faces
Prophecy:Golly, let's sort this mess out. A possible ending sees Maven trying to make a name for himself by pulling an HBK like last year. That's where Michaels really resurfaced to title contention, Maven could at least get some credibility. Another possibility could be Jericho trying to regain some credibility as a title contender. Either way, the faces win, because even though you would think that it would make better TV for the heels to gang up on Triple H after their team wins, not many people are going to want to see Heel vs. Heel matches. Either way, I can see bad things for the heel team, win or lose. Also, what is with this "classic" survivor series crap?? Classic = 5 on 5 , no two ways about it. To finish off here is the equation for both sides: Orton = HHH , Benoit = Edge, Jericho = Batista , and Snitsky = Garcia.
Result:Raw Faces wins
1 Point Awarded

Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian

Intercontinental Championship

Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:I think Christian will regain the belt, but not just yet. Shelton just won the darn thing. The IC title was starting to mean something again and they had a good thing going and then killed it when Chris Jericho didn't even win one match in during his IC reign. Meanwhile, I still feel an E & C reunion with Edge one day as champ and Christian as IC champ , and possibly both as tag champs again. Furthermore, if Christian really sticks it out, he can pull off championship run someday soon. I mean, hey, look at Triple H, did you ever think the same Triple H who jobbed unmercifully to the Ultimate Warrior at WM 96 would be the brash "dictator" like champion we all know and love today?? Think about it.
Result:Shelton Benjamin wins
1 Point Awarded

Trish Stratus vs. Lita

Women's Championship

Prediction:Trish Stratus
Prophecy:Lita is like the female Chris Benoit, she's tried and tried to get the Women's championship and always falls short. I know she had the belt back in 2000, but the belt really didn't mean much then, given the "talent" competing for the title. Her in-ring skills have definitley improved, as has the entire women's league for that matter, but I still look back to Survivor Series of last year when Molly beat Lita fairly clean. The question is begged though, who would Trish feud with after this match? Hopefully Trish will lose the title in dramatic fashion like Molly Holly did at the beginning of this year to Victoria (who is a more deserving champion for all inclusive purposes). SIDE PREDICTION : I vote Bush in 2004
Result:Trish Stratus wins
1 Point Awarded

Chavo vs. Kidman vs. Spike vs. Mysterio

Fatal Four-Way for the Cruiserweight Title

Prediction:Chavo Guerrero
Prophecy:Poor Nunzio, he must feel so dejected. Anyways, I believe Spike's time with the belt is over, he lost his "boss" zing, but I felt that Chavo & Kidman would have a one on one match, so I can't see where this is going just yet, moreover, I don't care...Chavo over Spike
Result:Spike Dudley wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 3

3 Points Earned | 43% Accurate

Ranked 8th among Wise Ones for this event.