Prophecies of Y2J03

Armageddon 2004

JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T vs. Undertaker

Fatal Four Way for the WWE Championship

Prediction:John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Prophecy:This is a temporary pick and will probably change, but I like the chances of Eddie winning here, and facing Angle for the title at WM21, to close out their year-long feud. I see no chance of JBL retaining here. Either Eddie or Taker will win. Swapping my pick because I believe WWE is headed in the direction of a Taker & Angle WM21 match. Anyone else notice how there is more interest directed towards Y2J's week of running RAW than this whole bloody PPV!? Judging by how JBL got completely humiliated last SD, and the odds seem to be impossibly stacked against him, in WWE terms, that seems to be a sure-fire sign that he'll retain.
Result:John "Bradshaw" Layfield wins
1 Point Awarded

Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree vs. Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Championship

Prediction:Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Kenzo and Rene suck as champs, and I can't see them holding onto the belts for much longer, considering what shitty chemistry they've got. The only scenario I could possibly see unfoldig that would allow them to retain is that RVD finally makes a heel turn, and feuds with Rey. However, I find this scenario to be highly unlikely.
Result:Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio win
1 Point Awarded

John Cena vs. Jesus

Street Fight for the U.S. Championship

Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:Is this a joke? What a crappy match! I hope Carlito will be healthy soon. Who the hell is Jesus? Is this guy even a wrestler?!?!
Result:John Cena wins
1 Point Awarded

Jackie Gayda vs. Dawn Marie

With Special Referee Charlie Haas

Prediction:Dawn Marie
Prophecy:Jackie looks like a man. Of course Haas'll help Dawn win. Why is SD trying to recreate their own version of the Lita Trish feud? No one involved in this match should even be within a square mile of a mic.
Result:Dawn Marie wins
1 Point Awarded

Angle, Reigns, & Jindrak vs. Big Show

3 on 1 Handicap Match

Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:I feel bad for anyone who bought tickets to this PPV. What a piece of crap! And what the hell is this "470 lbs" crap?! Even if he has lost weight, keep it listed as 500 so that it at least makes him seem bigger! Anyway, like the rest of the show, this match will suck. CEFFECTX: I disagree with you. This PPV could make the Great American Bash look like WM17, the "perfect PPV" in my mind. If I bought tickets to this I'd be looking to scalp them as soon as possible, before everyone realizes what a shitty show this should be!
Result:Big Show wins
1 Point Awarded

Spike Dudley vs. Funaki

Cruiserweight Championship

Prediction:Spike Dudley
Prophecy:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just when you thought the SmackDown! writing team couldn't make Armageddon any worse, they do the unthinkable, and instead of doing something LOGICAL like putting Kidman or London or Chavo, they put Funaki!!!!! What a joke!!!
Result:Funaki wins
0 Points Awarded

Daniel Puder vs. Mike Mizanin

Dixie Dog Fight (boxing)

Prediction:Daniel Puder
Prophecy:God both of these guys SUCK! I could beat the living shit out of Mizanin (who is a little pussy) and if they actually let these two go at it, Puder should knock this baby-faced pussy-shit out in about 5 secs, as Puder is a UFC-er, and Mizanin is a little pussy-face MTV-er. Neither of these men should be within a square mile of a mic. God, WWE really picked some crappy-ass finalists for the Tough Enough. Not one of them demonstrated any sort of charisma, and from those gay-ass competitions that they did, we weren't ever able to tell whether they had ANY in-ring talent.
Result:Daniel Puder wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 6

6 Points Earned | 86% Accurate

Ranked 1st among Wise Ones for this event.