Prophecies of your olympic hero

WrestleMania XXI 2005

Triple H vs. Batista

World Championship

Prophecy:This will be the main event, at PPV's, epecially big ones like Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Survivor Series, bosses like the faces to win the final match to help send the crowds home happy. I think thats what will happen here, even if i am far from convinced that Batista is ready for the strap. Has he even been IC champ yet?
Result:Batista wins
1 Point Awarded

John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. John Cena

WWE Championship

Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:I'm guessing that JBL's long reign as champ will end here, Bosses will want to put the strap on Cena while he's hot, and at the minute, theres nobody hotter, apparantly the pop he's getting at house shows at the moment is unbelievable. Putting the title on Cena is a lisence to print money at the moment. He's going to be able to draw like no-one else on Smackdown, bar Undertaker.
Result:John Cena wins
1 Point Awarded

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

Challenge Accepted

Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I make no apologies for expecting this match to truly be 'one for the ages'. People will remember this match in ten years time, maybe more if everything goes right. I think they'll give these two up to a Forty minute set, which would be awesome. Expect this to be an epic people, both just ooze charisma, i honestly can't wait. This will without doubt be match of the night. Expect Angle to go over clean here after a long and gruelling match as a reward for all the PPV matches he has had to lose over the past year due to JBL's inabilities to draw as a champ. The call starts here...put the strap back on Angle.
Result:Kurt Angle wins
1 Point Awarded

6 Way "Money in the Bank" Ladder Match

Winner Gets a One Year Open Contract for a World Title Match

Prophecy:I suppose Edge is the obvious choice, although franky im not thrilled about the prospect of him getting atitle shot at any time, Benoit certainly deserves it more, and sheltons the up and comer.
Result:Edge wins
1 Point Awarded

Trish Stratus vs. Christy Hemme

Women's Championship

Prediction:Christy Hemme
Prophecy:Going against the tocc here, i think theres a good chance that Christy could win it here, no doubt that she'll lose it back again almost straight away but Christy looks like she could have a bit of talant, plus they like to shift the strap about a bit in the womens division. Plus she really is pretty hot.
Result:Trish Stratus wins
0 Points Awarded

Big Show vs. Akebono

Sumo Match

Prophecy:Show will get beat here i think, its only a Sumo match. It wouldn't go down very well with Sumo fans if their grand champion or whatever was beaten by an ape like big show
Result:Akebono wins
1 Point Awarded

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Legend vs Legend Killer

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:I'm really not sure how this one will go down but i see it going pretty much the same way as his fued with Mick Foley. Orto's legend killer gimmick is a really great one, i can't believe they dropped it in the first place. I cant believe that Batista is main eventing rather than Orton. WWE have really cocked this up.
Result:Undertaker wins
0 Points Awarded

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Tag Champs Compete

Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Eddie needs a big win, he seems to have been pushed down the card a little since last last year. He could turn heel at some stage in this match too.
Result:Rey Mysterio wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 5

5 Points Earned | 63% Accurate

Ranked 8th among Wise Ones for this event.