Prophecies of jayMAN

Survivor Series 2005

Eric Bischoff vs. Teddy Long

Battle of the GMs

Prediction:Eric Bischoff
Prophecy:Bischoff is my man, and I am not so sure of what Teddy can do in the ring. I see Edge getting involved for some reason. Money in the Bank? I think that will be Edge's purpose when he comes back. This match has no direct effect on the main event, which will be the classic Survivor Series elimination match. I pick Eric, but it could go either way.
Result:Teddy Long wins
0 Points Awarded

Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown

Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Smackdown
Prophecy:I have stated this fron Day 1. Smackdown will win in ther end. Big Shwo vs. Mysterio on Tuesday night's Smackdown special? That may play a role in the outcome. Undertaker is returning, and it may be to take Batista's spot, but I doubt it. Taker will come out and chase Orton away setting up their Armageddon bout. I have no idea who the final two will be. It could be so many people, but I see Smackdown winning in some sort of tribute to Eddie Guerrero who was origianlly in this match.
Result:Team Smackdown wins
1 Point Awarded

Triple H vs. Ric Flair

Last Man Standing

Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:Triple is 0-8 at Survivor Series. Ihave heard 0-7 also, and I have heard 0-9, but it doesn't really matter. You get the point. He has never won at this PPV. That points to Flair, but Taboo tuesday pointed to Flair, so now it goes back to HHH. If it is for the title, a draw will be the result. If it is non-title HHH is taking home his first Survivor Series victory. It will be bloody, but the outocme is still up in the air.
Result:Triple H wins
1 Point Awarded

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

WWE Championship

Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I have to pick him. How can I not? Cean is not the hottest thing going anymore. I know Vince loves Cena, and I know he is a big money-maker, but I want them to give the belt to Angle. I want Davairi to play a major role in this match. I hope to God it does not end with Cena taking Davairi's hand and slamming it to the mat three times while he is unconscience. I have always hated that ending. Cena is on the cover of New Years Revolution with the belt, but I will pick Kurt even though it is not likely. For the record, in case you couldn't figure it out already, I want Angle to win, but Vince wants Cena. Will Vince realize Cena is fading away or stick with his man? I guess we will find out on November 27th, 2005.
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

Trish Stratus vs. Melina

Women's Championship

Prediction:Trish Stratus
Prophecy:The belt is not gonig to Smackdown, and Mickie James will help Trish in the end. Melina will be mad, but MNM will try to cheer her up somehow. The small build-up has been nice, and I would like to see these two continue, but it won't happen. Mickie James is next for Trish.
Result:Trish Stratus wins
1 Point Awarded

Booker T vs. Chris Benoit

Match 1 in the Best of 7 for the US Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I love watching these two in the ring together. they know eachother so well, and it really shows during their matches. Benoit will win the opener. i believe this will open up the PPV. Faces usually win the opening PPV contest. I think the fianls will be at the Rumble. Mat three can take place at Armageddon. There will be a few 'gimmick' matches in the series, but I do not want too many. Benoit's contract is not an issue as I am picking Booker to take it all no matter what.
Result:Booker T wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 3

3 Points Earned | 50% Accurate

Ranked 9th among Wise Ones for this event.