Prophecies of Kick-boxer-girl

Armageddon 2005

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Hell in a Cell

Prophecy:I love Randy but I think Undertaker is more ready. He has Randy's mind and everything. Imagin what he's going to do in the match.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Batista & Mysterio vs. Big Show & Kane

Tag Champs vs Tag Champs

Prediction:Batista & Mysterio
Prophecy:This is a Smackdown ppv and they have to win else they'll disappoint everyone. Plus with Rey's high flying and Batista's stregth who knows what will happen.
Result:Big Show & Kane win
0 Points Awarded

MNM vs. Super Crazy & Psicosis

No Longer for the Tag Titles...

Prophecy:Come on isn't it obious? MNM in my opion is the better tag team.
Result:MNM wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

Match 4 in the Best of 7 for the US Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Because he needs to win. It's 3 to 0 right now. He has to win.
Result:Chris Benoit wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 3

3 Points Earned | 75% Accurate

Ranked 4th among Wise Ones for this event.