Prophecies of jayMAN

Survivor Series 2006

Team DX vs. Team Edge & Orton

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team DX
Prophecy:There has been no mention of Orton's winnnig streak at Survivor Series, so that does not play into my prediction anymore. Rated RKO was the odds on favorite, but that was only if they had mentioned the streak. No mention, no win. DX will take this one home in the end. This will probably be the main event, but I could see a couple other matches closing the show, too. Hardyz will add alot to this classic elimination style match. The heels do have alot of title belts, but this one goes to the faces. It stays true with my "RKO Theory". He wins at 'smaller PPV's', but he loses at 'bigger PPV's'. That will stay true come Sunday night.
Result:Team DX wins
1 Point Awarded

Team Cena vs. Team Big Show

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:Team Big Show
Prophecy:The heels are winning one of these elimination matches, and this is the one. The sole purpose of this match is to get Umaga and Cena in a future title match. They only way for that to happen is for Umaga to pin Cena in the end for the heel's win. Big Show will not be around long, as his health will not allow him to. The other stars are being handled nicely in this buildup. The wild is that John Cena lost at the last PPV he was in. Speaking of, look for K-Fed to interfere hyping their match in a few weeks.
Result:Team Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

WWE Legends vs. The Spirit Squad

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Prediction:WWE Legends
Prophecy:Flair will lead his team into destroying the heels. The Spirit Squad will crumble here. It is fitting that the young guns will fall to the legends in their final big match. I have no idea where the Squad members will go from here. I assume it will lead to a 5 man match at New Year's Revolution, but I have no other idea. Legends will stand tall. Damn.
Result:WWE Legends wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero

U.S. Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Benoit is not going to lose his belt in November. He will in December. At Armageddon, the two will face eachother in a ladder match or something, and Chavo will win the belt there. Benoit needs one strong win, or he will done in this feud right off the bat. He has gotten the worse end during this whole feud, and at SUrvivor Series, it will change as Benoit retains the US title.
Result:Chris Benoit wins
1 Point Awarded

Booker T vs. Batista

World Championship

Prophecy:I have been with King booker for as long as he has been champ. I am still shocked he won at Cyber Sunday. That is not a complain, but it just seemed so obvious Cena would win the triple threat match. I am happy Booker won, but it may be only to put Batista back on top. It is in Philadelphia, and that is the icing on the cake. It is the location where Batista had to give up his belt due to injury. It is like coming full circle, and it will be a nice ending to his journey to regain 'his title'. Also, if Batista loses, he never gets another title match. That smells a win for the face. I am still going to hold onto Booker retaining due to Monty Brown screwing Batista.
Result:Batista wins
1 Point Awarded

Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy

First Blood Match

Prophecy:I have mixed emotions on this. Everyone always says Undertaker should be putting the young talent over. That is not true, in my opinion. He needs to win some matches. If he doesn't, when people beat him, it will not be a big deal becuase he always loses. I am going to pick Taker winning, and Kennedy doesn't lose out so much becuase he won't be pinned. Kennedy will win their blow-off match at Armageddon. With Taker's rib injury, I will say he leaves and returns only under the condition of picking 'his match'. That will lead to Kennedy vs. Undertaker-Buried Alive!
Result:Ken Kennedy wins
0 Points Awarded

Lita vs. Mickie James

Women's Championship

Prediction:Mickie James
Prophecy:Lita will do the honors on her way out. She has announced on RAW that this will be her final WWE match. The way she said it makes me believe she may be heading to another company.....ask Kurt Angle. Mickie will pick up the title here, as she deserves to wear it. I doubt there will be a standing ovation or big party for her after the bell, but I hope the rough and tough Philly fans are respectable for her farewell.
Result:Mickie James wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 5

5 Points Earned | 71% Accurate

Ranked 4th among Wise Ones for this event.