Prophecies of jblfan1

Armageddon 2006

Kane vs. MVP

Inferno Match

Prophecy:Even though Kane has never WON a inferno match, it is comsidered his match type. Now that I think about it...Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 should have an inferno match, but anyways, Why are Kane and MVP in this match? For what is considered the most brutal match in WWE history, why use it on someone who sucks like MVP? Maybe its cause Armegddon has no big nasty match like it always does
Result:Kane wins
1 Point Awarded

Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy

Last Ride Match

Prophecy:Kennedy won last time, so now its Takers turn. The last 'Last Ride' match before this, was Taker and JBL, and since this is Takers match type, he jobbed to Bradshaw last time (whos complaning?), and I hear COle and Layfield bring it up on commentary, WWE hasnt forgot that they owe Undertaker one
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Batista & Cena vs. Booker & Finlay

Dream Tag Match

Prediction:Batista & Cena
Prophecy:It is a good point to show that Finlay and Booker have had some tension lately. Finlay make break face here. I still think he is great, just because I have comedic investment in the Irish (Yes, I am Irish, so its not culture intolarant), and they rock. I am a big King Booker fan, and I think he is one of 5 people left on Smackdown worth a title shot. I still hate Cena...forever and ever. I will only root for him aganist K-Fed (who the fuck came up with bringing him on?). Batista is on the back-burner for me..I guess. Nonetheless, the cash cows will win for Vince's wallet. Dont be suprised if Umaga gets in here, though
Result:Batista & Cena win
1 Point Awarded

Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Cruiserweight Championship

Prediction:Gregory Helms
Prophecy:This is a total toss up. We have Gregory Helms, who I am a huge fan of, and cant wait to see what 2007 will bring for him. On the other hand, we have Jimmy Wang Yang. I still think he is a great wrestler, with a damn funny gimmick..."A cross between J.R and Mr. Fuji" as JBL put it. I think that Helms will walk into '07 champ, just to let him lose it back to the rumble, a year after he won it.
Result:Gregory Helms wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero

U.S. Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Chavos retirement should have been longer. I hate this storyline. I AM SICK of Eddie storylines. They drag on for so damn long, and I am so sick of it. The U.S title might go around Chavo, but it wont be for very damn long at this rate. This storyline is so completally below Benoit. He makes the U.S title more than just a mid-card title, and now he's being assed around with Chavo by WWE writers. Make Chavo go back to Raw, make him Kerwin White (at least he had good music), and make him "Senior Cracker" again!
Result:Chris Benoit wins
1 Point Awarded

London & Kendrick vs. Regal & Taylor

WWE Tag Team Championship

Prediction:Regal & Taylor
Prophecy:The titles will pass here. London and Kendrick have had the gold for way too long, and havent done anything great with them. WWE reflects itself, so the heels grab the tag titles on this one
Result:London & Kendrick win
0 Points Awarded

The Miz vs. Boogeyman

Fauxhawks and Freak Shows

Prediction:The Boogeyman
Prophecy:The Miz( or the retard, use your favorite harsh and insulting noun) has had this coming for a long time. He is a waste of time, and I hope he gets so hurt, that he wont have to wrestle again. Who else has a undefeated streak right now? Umaga, and he has beaten HBK, HHH, Cena, and other main eventers, and wwe champs. Miz? He beat Funaki. Wow...thats great, next hes gonna beat up a poodle. As much as I hate to say it, Boogeyman has the win, on sheer hating of Miz more
Result:The Boogeyman wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 6

6 Points Earned | 86% Accurate

Ranked 2nd among Wise Ones for this event.