Prophecies of The Tocc

Cyber Sunday 2007

Randy Orton vs. ???

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:Shawn Michaels will get the nod and put on a great match against Orton. Orton will retain the title, but might get disqualified to do so. Odds are he'll steal a pinfall though.
Result:Shawn Michaels wins
0 Points Awarded

CM Punk vs. ???

ECW World Championship

Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:C.M. Punk, like Orton, is just starting his title reign. The title will not change hands here either. Cyber Sunday is not big on title changes...
Result:CM Punk wins
1 Point Awarded

Batista vs. Undertaker

World Heavyweight Championship with Special Referee (Stone Cold)

Prophecy:Stone Cold will be the ref here. If he's an option in a fans' vote, he'll always win. I don't see him influencing the outcome of this match though, since it's between two faces. It's kind of a waste of Stone Cold's entertainment value... Batista retains.
Result:Batista wins
1 Point Awarded

Triple H vs. Umaga

Steel Cage, First Blood, or *Street Fight

Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:Even though this is not the final match in their feud and it could really go either way, there is no push like a HHH push. The stipulation makes no difference.
Result:Triple H wins
1 Point Awarded

Finlay vs. Rey Mysterio

*Stretcher, Shillelagh on a Pole, or No DQ Match

Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I'm convinced this is the most meaningless pay per view of the year. No feuds will end. No titles are likely to change hands. And the fans don't really have much of a say. Who cares which of these stipulations is chosen? Is anyone excited about them? I'm going with Rey just because this is a fan-oriented PPV, so fan favorites are more likely to win than heels.
Result:Rey Mysterio wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 80% Accurate

Ranked 1st among Wise Ones for this event.