Prophecies of LilHeartBreaker94

Survivor Series 2007

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:10 year anniversary of the montreal screwjob mcmahon will be at ringside ready to screw up michaels....however hbk cant hit the sweet chin kick...after the match he probably will crack one and he wont be able to fight 4 da title long as randys da champ....thats when HHH and kennedy will rise....
Result:Randy Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

Batista vs. Undertaker

Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship

Prophecy:This is a good one... both men have pride in this match...takers been the most experienced and created the hell in a cell it self... while batista is undefeated....i want taker to win this one because if batista wins he will became the wwe hero just like cena... he will hold the title against huge stars.... just like cena...and i dont want batistas career 2 b like that batista needs a win he probably will but i want taker to win so batista can keep his rep and keep his position in the wwe... after the match edge will make his return and probably punk out both of the injured men....
Result:Batista wins
1 Point Awarded

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Tri-branded Hodgepodge of Rivalries

Prediction:Kane, Mysterio, The Hardys, & HHH
Prophecy:Umaga will probably do wat he did last year...chuck a rampage, throws chairs, tables and steps and get himself eliminated, HHH will be the sole survivor, MVP will probably beat down jeff and make matt pissed off, then they will hate each other.....kennedy will take out the hardys and big v will take out kane.... HHH will take out big v....leaving rey, HHH and Finlay and Kennedy....that will be the gud part of the match with HHH as the sole survivor... yes i have spoken
Result:Kane, Mysterio, The Hardys, & HHH win
1 Point Awarded

The Great Khali vs. Hornswoggle

Size Matters

Prophecy:How Hornswoggle can win this i dunno! I mean look at the size difference... 4 ft against 7"3 damn....! The match starts off with hornswoggle running around the ring.... but in the end hornswoggle will win because someone from the outside will help...probaly bobby lashley making his return...
Result:The Great Khali wins
0 Points Awarded

CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. Mike Mizanin

Triple Threat Match for the ECW Championship

Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I dont care ECW's shit without Sabu, RVD and Sandman...CM punk is better than the others...
Result:CM Punk wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 80% Accurate

Ranked 5th among Wise Ones for this event.