Prophecies of gtafanboy

Survivor Series 2007

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:10 years. Sharpshooter. Your screwed. Anyway, we know there's going to be a screwjob, and I don't see Orton turning face or Michaels as a heel. Small possibility, but unlikely. Anyway, we see a ref bump, Michaels superkicks, locks in sharpshooter, Orton taps, but McMahon overrules and gives Orton the belt. Meh. I hope Michaels takes the strap.
Result:Randy Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

Batista vs. Undertaker

Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship

Prophecy:This is it. The big one. We'll probably see an Edge-Taker feud, and why not make it for the title? Plus the fans dig Taker. Rule of thumb: When faces meet, always let the more popular one win, so fans won't dislike the other one.
Result:Batista wins
0 Points Awarded

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Tri-branded Hodgepodge of Rivalries

Prediction:Kane, Mysterio, The Hardys, & HHH
Prophecy:Faces always win. l'Duh. When heels win, they always have a star receiving a huge push. Not the case here.
Result:Kane, Mysterio, The Hardys, & HHH win
1 Point Awarded

The Great Khali vs. Hornswoggle

Size Matters

Prophecy:Changing my vote. Seeing how much their emphasizing the size difference, Swoggle will probably win. Be it dq, whatever, let's move on. This match sucks.
Result:The Great Khali wins
0 Points Awarded

CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. Mike Mizanin

Triple Threat Match for the ECW Championship

Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:CM Punk is the golden boy of ECW, and there's no reason for him to lose the belt yet. He's the company's next top face and he's not jobbing to these guys.
Result:CM Punk wins
1 Point Awarded

Good Girls vs. Bad Girls

10 Divas Tag Team Match

Prediction:Bad Girls
Prophecy:Beth Pheonix is the uber-cool master of awesomeness. We'll see Mickie-Pheonix as the last two, who knows who will win. I'm guessing Beth.
Result:Good Girls wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 3

3 Points Earned | 50% Accurate

Ranked 9th among Wise Ones for this event.