Prophecies of President D

Backlash 2008

Undertaker vs. Edge

WrestleMania Rematch for the World Championship

Prophecy:Hopefully this title reign will be a more successful one unlike last year with Taker's injury. As many have already said, this is a no brainer. Taker just one the title at Mania, and there is no way that he will lose it this quick. Taker wins either via Tombstone or that submission move, and both he and Edge move onto new rivalries.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero

WrestleMania Rematch for the ECW Championship

Prophecy:Kudos to WWE for finally giving Kane another title reign (even if it is the ECW title). The feud itself has actually been entertaining, and has even made ECW more interesting to watch. As for the match, it will probably last longer than the one at Wrestlemania, but the result will be the same. Kane wins via chokeslam after taking out Edge and Chavo's entourage.
This is my lock.
Result:Kane wins
1 Point Awarded (+1 bonus point)

Orton vs. JBL vs. vs. HHH vs. Cena

Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:The simple fact that Orton is still the champion is still shocking to me. Nobody could have ever imagined he would retain at Wrestlemania. Thankfully however, we avoided another Cena reign. Now that they've made this an elimination match, it gets a little more difficult. I say JBL and Triple H will be eliminated leaving Cena to face Orton. Orton will pull off the same tricks he has in the past, and ultimately outsmart Cena and retain the title.
Result:Triple H wins
0 Points Awarded

Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

With Special Guest Referee Chris Jericho

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Without a doubt this has been the most intrguing feud WWE has offered this month. Even though Batista's reasons have been utterly stupid, the feud has been very entertaining. As hard a pick as this is, I'm gonna go with HBK. If this is a one time thing, then Shawn will definitely pick up the win. There is one wildcard to this whole match...special ref Jericho. Being that he has beefs with both guys, could he screw them both and rule a draw? Who knows..look for this to be an eye opener.
Result:Shawn Michaels wins
1 Point Awarded

Big Show vs. The Great Khali

Clash of the Titans

Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Khali is said to be taking some time off in the future, plus Big Show needs a big win to avenge his loss to Mayweather at Wrestlemania. Show wins in what should be a decent Battle of the Titans type match.
Result:Big Show wins
1 Point Awarded

MVP vs. Matt Hardy

United States Championship

Prediction:Matt Hardy
Prophecy:This whole storyline with Matt and MVP has been about Matt getting revenge. It would only make sense for Matt to win the title here. Being that this feud has lasted since July, the atmosphere should be hot, and you know the crowd will go wild for a Hardy win.
Result:Matt Hardy wins
1 Point Awarded

12-Diva Tag Team Match

Good Girls and Bad Girls

Prediction:Beth's Team
Prophecy:Being that this isn't an elimination match, anyone is fair game to get pinned. I'll go with Natalya Neidhart (in her PPV debut) pinning either Maria or Kelly Kelly to get the win for Beth's team. This way, Mickie won't lose any credibility as Women's Champ.
Result:Beth's Team wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 6 (+1 Bonus Point)

6 Points Earned | 86% Accurate

Ranked 4th among Wise Ones for this event.