CM Punk vs. Ryback
Handicap Hell in a Cell Match
44 Oracles have spoken

CM Punk
(31 predictions - 70.45%)

Ryback & Paul Heyman
(13 predictions - 29.55%)
Result:CM Punk wins
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:Punk won their last match. I suppose it's Ryback's turn.
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:Rematch from last year where Punk won. Can Brad Maddox be referee? I wouldn't mind seeing Ryback on the receiving end of yet another low blow. Two of Punk/Ryback's major matches in the past year have ended with someone hitting Ryback in his "skippys". I'm not sure what to make of that, but since Punk won last year's Hell in a Cell and at Battleground, I am giving this one to Ryback and Heyman.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Not sure whats going on with Ryback anymore because if this is the end of the feud then Punk is getting his revenge and Ryback is taking another loss.
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:To even things up.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I think this is the time punk ends this fued
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:Punk is on a train currently. And it seems somehow Punk will get the victory at Hell in a Cell. However, I am expecting some kind of twist. It may not happen, and Punk may take another victory. But I don't think the Heyman's power rangers will be put down until Survivor Series or even next year Wrestlemania.
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:Feed him more!
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:The feud ends here. Funny that Ryback and Punk are in a HIAC 2 years in a row vs. each other now.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Time for CM Punk to get back in the WWE Tilte picture after this and end this feud with Heyman.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:Punk gets his revenge. This feud's ending is long overdue. Time for him to move to bigger and better things. I see no point in another Heyman victory anyway. There's of course the possibility of Heyman getting manhandled enough to stop messing with Punk, yet Ryback gets the pin. I stopped caring about the feud over 2 months ago. Don't get me wrong though, I like CM Punk and Paul Heyman very much but they're wasting their talent right now.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:I naturally incline towards the heels but the Ryback/Heyman combo does nothing for me. Proof that not even Heyman can make something from feces. Okay, juvenile humor tendencies aside, this feud has run it's course and I still don't perceive Ryback as a legitimate threat to Punk, who coincidentally has done nothing since his face turn. I'm saying Punk to win simply because he's the bigger name.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This has got to be the end of the feud surely?!?! Cant see where else it could go
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:This feud has gotten stale and I believe that this is the feud ender and if I recall correctly faces win feud enders so Punk it is
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:After all the "best in the world" spiel that Paul Heyman has been sprouting lately, I think he'll be the one ending up being pinned by CM Punk here. It makes more sense that way than having Heyman earn two wins over his former client.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prophecy:All Punk as to do is pin Heyman. I see a chair shot to Ryback and a GTS to Heyman for the win.
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prophecy:SOMEHOW, CM Punk will lose again. It sucks, but it will happen. Punk is officially near-jobber at this point.
Prediction:CM Punk
Prediction:CM Punk
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman
Prediction:Ryback & Paul Heyman