Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

44 Oracles have spoken

Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan
(42 predictions - 95.45%)
(2 predictions - 4.55%)
Result:Daniel Bryan wins

Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:I have a feeling this time Bryan's reign will not be quite so short.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Rest in peace Mr. Danielson. Daniel Bryan is not gonna have himself screwed for the third time. Although I would really like seeing Kane as the champion again, the American Dragon would take the victory, probably by DQ because they're making Kane look so strong recently, and it would not be wise killing his momentum with this loss to Daniel (who is not supposed to be 100% in the story).
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Unfortunately, I think Kane's world title days are over. I see no reason for DB lose the title in his first PPV defense.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Dont see his title being short this time
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Won't be a clean victory, likely will be by DQ
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:I can see Kane become champion once again once he decides to retire. The WWE will give him a substantial reign as champion as a reward for the many years he was with the company. Now is not the time however, Daniel Bryan as champion is what the fans wanted. For months now. WWE has always given the fans what they wanted but only in small amounts. Daniel Bryan gets the title after an 8 month story line, CM Punk got the title after a 6 month story line. They put time and effort into their story lines and to have Daniel Bryan drop the belt a month after winning it seems like a waste of time to me.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Bury Bryan Movement to be cancelled for later.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:He just won this damn title. No freaking way he'll lose it that fast to Kane.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:The time is not right for Bryan to drop his hard earned title. Wouldn't mind seeing Kane with a title run before he retires but not now. The match is predictable but gotta admire Kane's work in the feud.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:WWE World Heavyweight Champion KANE??? It will be an entertaining match and I predict Kane will have the tables turned on his side for about 85% of the match but that knee will come out of nowhere. It is one of those matches at Extreme Rules where everyone knows who's going to win. Just like last year when it was John Cena vs. Ryback. Everyone knew Cena was going to win but people still watch it like Ryback is actually is going to win. It is not impossible for Bryan to lose, Triple H could get involed and cause Bryan to lose. I'm not locking this one, because it could go either way.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:All these attacks on Bryan before a big match just make the end result that much more predictable. Two tombstones on the steel stairs from Kane, then before that it was Triple H injuring Bryan before Wrestlemania. Bryan wins.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Don't see his reign ending after what Kane has done.
Prophecy:He is my guy. I have to do it.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:I don't see Kane winning the belts and I think Bryan will hold the titles for at least a decent amount of time
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Daniel Bryan won to two very strong wrestlers. Now he's going to face a EXTREMLY strong wrestler!!??
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:After spending so long chasing it, he is not going to give it away to Kane of all people.
Prophecy:I got the feeling they'll strip Bryan of it, but then he'll regain again sometime this year. He's definitely nowhere near 100%
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:They had me feeling that we are up for an upset here with Kane winning, but still picking Bryan to retain.
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Prediction:Daniel Bryan
Prophecy:The Yes movement continues.