Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

40 Oracles have spoken

Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose
(27 predictions - 67.5%)
Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins
(13 predictions - 32.5%)
Result:Seth Rollins wins

Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:This may be the hardest match of the night to predict. I think Ambrose needs the win more than Rollins, so I'm going with him. Rollins is eventually going to win the big one, so his momentum will stay strong either way.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:he's going to beat him up for that beatdown he suffered from seth, randy, and kane.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:After Dean was kicked out of MITB and after Seth Rollins won the briefcase he should be able to win
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:I suspect there to be a rematch after Dean wins
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:he been on the beating end of the fude
Prediction:Seth Rollins
Prophecy:I'm just thinking, what if Kane gets involved and costs Ambrose the match again? I wouldn't say that this will end with a decisive winner. It's more likely to end in a no contest. If not, then Seth Rollins would actually be my choice. I love Dean Ambrose, but I feel like he's the kind of face as Shawn Michaels: the face that everyone loves but cannot win against his archenemy. Although Seth has been beating Ambrose up, I can see that he will still take the victory here, and later on happily trying to cash in on Shena, but once again stopped by Ambrose, that's when Heyman's plan C comes into play. Or the last scenario that can happen is Ambrose messing Rollins so bad in this match that he will not be able to cash in later that night, and Heyman's plan C can still be put into play: his Client Brock Lesnar!
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:Dean is going to win this first one. If he doesn't the WWE is going to make his character look like a real bitch. Dean is talented he skilled enough to overcome a burial at this point in his career. Dean will win the first one, and then to make Seth look like a championship caliber super star, Seth will win the rematch at Summer Slam.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:I think he's due for this win here. Rollins can then move on to other things...
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:It's a 50/50. Rollins could win and try to cash in only to have Ambrose stop him but I think that's not gonna happen.
Prediction:Seth Rollins
Prophecy:It's a toss up but this will steal the show.
Prediction:Seth Rollins
Prophecy:Probable cheap heel win, but feud will continue.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:Going with Dean winning via DQ and the feud continues.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:Hes been beaten up week after week, so it should be time for some retribution. I don't see Seth cashing in up to or just after summerslam so he can take the lose
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:Could go either way, I've gone for alot of heels to win at this ppv so Ambrose winning would even that up a bit.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:With all stakes against him & the beating he took my the 3 amigos, I still believe he i'll pick up the win by disqualification with Seth hitting him with the MITB briefcase or maybe a surprise clean victory. Nevertheless a tough match to predict, a 50/50 & a must watch as well.
Prediction:Seth Rollins
Prophecy:Rollins is coming off of winning the briefcase and Ambrose's revenge will be sweeter at a later time. I'm expecting Kane interference once again leading to a curb stomp.
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prediction:Seth Rollins
Prediction:Dean Ambrose