Elimination Chamber Tag Match

For the WWE Tag Team Championship

44 Oracles have spoken

Xavier Woods
Kofi Kingston
Big E Langston
The New Day
(20 predictions - 45.45%)
The Ascension
(2 predictions - 4.55%)
Antonio Cesaro
Tyson Kidd
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
(10 predictions - 22.73%)
Los Matadores
(0 predictions - 0%)
Sin Cara
Lucha Dragons
(2 predictions - 4.55%)
Darren Young
Titus O'Neil
Prime Time Players
(10 predictions - 22.73%)
Result:The New Day wins

Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prophecy:This is a tough match to predict, but I could see PTP getting some gold for a change. BTW I fucking hate it when the tag titles are held by a 3-some. That's some bullshit right there...
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prophecy:They need the gold
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:This'll be either really good or really bad.
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:The New Day has only held the titles for what, 6 weeks? They still got a good amount of time left in their reign, so I guess it would be best for them to keep the titles here.
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:They haven't had the titles for very long. It's either gonna be them, Ascension continuing their push or PTP. When in doubt, stick with the retain.
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prophecy:All those little vignettes with PTP had to have been for some reason, so I'm going to say Prime Time Players finally win tag team gold.
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prophecy:Billions Of Dollars, Billions Of Dollars, Billions Of Dollars!
Prediction:Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Prophecy:Has anyone here making predictions actually been watching the Raw shows lately? They are building Cesaro and Kidd really strong at the moment.
Prediction:Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Prophecy:Here's why...No 'casual viewers' (the demo that Vince is obsessed with) care about PTP. Los Matadores are so far from the belts that it's laughable that they're even in the match (they are just there to make the numbers). The Ascension aren't ready for the belts and while Kallisto is very much able to work a great tag team match, Sin Cara is far too injury-prone to hold 1/2 the championship. That leaves only the two teams. I wouldn't be surprised if Woods' interference cost Brass Ring Club, but let's be honest, PWInsider, Jim Ross, Stone Cold and PWTorch agreed that the New Day v BRC matches were both the 'match of the night' at both Payback and Extreme Rules. They will be the last two teams involved. BRC need a clean win here!
Prediction:Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Prophecy:Tocci? Are you watching the same WWE as the rest of us?? PTP?! Seriously?? It's either Brass RIng Club or New Day.
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:Unique I have to say!
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:I feel like the build up has still very much focused on The New Day and Tyson and Cesero. I think these two will be the last two teams standing New Day getting the win and maybe then they will move on to feud with another team?
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:There are 3 of them in the tag team! I don't like it, but there it is.
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prophecy:Why not?
Prediction:Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Prophecy:For the record, I see Harper and Rowan taking out the Matadores and winning the titles here. But since that's not an option on paper, I'm going with Cesaro and Kidd because I can't see New Day beating them three PPVs in a row.
Prediction:The New Day
Prophecy:This is a tough one to call but I can see New Day retaining here maybe using some heel tactics and using that third person to their advantage. I don't see them having the titles for much longer but I think they've done a good job as champions and should get the win here.
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prediction:Prime Time Players
Prediction:The New Day
Prediction:The New Day