Women's 5-woman Survivor Series Triple Threat Elimination Match
Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT
27 Oracles have spoken
Team Raw (women)
(8 predictions - 29.63%)
Team SmackDown (women)
(2 predictions - 7.41%)
Team NXT (women)
(17 predictions - 62.96%)
Result:Team NXT (women) wins
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prophecy:Wait. Sarah Logan? OK anyway. Since Becky isn't involved here, I think maybe NXT will take this one so they don't get shut out.
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prophecy:Feel team nxt has this
Prediction:Team Raw (women)
Prophecy:I don't want to see any one brand destroy the other two, so I'm trying to spread out the wins a bit. I can see Team Raw winning here with Asuka and Charlotte as the survivors.
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prophecy:NXT looking strong.
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prophecy:Let NXT have some sort of win.
Prediction:Team Raw (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team SmackDown (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team Raw (women)
Prediction:Team Raw (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team NXT (women)
Prediction:Team SmackDown (women)